This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Is this........

Post 181


the one with the school uniform and white panties...yes

Bushy gave Dagmar some advice over on the Singles and Dating board

I expect a reply IN GERMAN!,,lol

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Post 182


Can't do that Brad! If I put on some German then everyone would know that Dagmar is me ... I'm keeping my powder dry 'til Pat Pen gets Carola into action!!

Any suggestions for what Dagmar should do with her Knockwurst??

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Post 183


Martin and Doug think Dagmar is me! making the link through Father need to pull a good one to get out of this!

maybe Pat can will help when he posts...IF he posts!

Is this........

Post 184


I'm going in again Skipper! If the bloody system will let me...

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Post 185


Bet Dagmar gets a right kicking from Sir Quentin... Who is that anyway?

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Post 186

Pat Pending

Whilst Carola (who will be Dutch and know none of the Germans but feel a mittel-Europe affinity) is boosting her post cred, Bradford has stepped into the breach in an attempt to move the flack from Brad. On reflection, not sure whether this will help or hinder.

Is this........

Post 187


Pat are you Sir Quentin?

I was keeping a graph of all the discussions and players and now I'm off the chart...not sure who the hell I am now?

I'm flirting with Martin Baines and talking men with Linda!

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Post 188

Pat Pending


No, I'm not.

It's surely the same person as Nutcase and Lord Smarty Pants.

Could it be Dr S? Sandy Winder? William Norton? Peter Lovegrove?

Were you or were you not Dr S?

Is this........

Post 189


Dr Strangegloves is someone different isn't he?

Who is galliana? I do not know whether to do a proper acknowledgement in case it is a set-up!

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Post 190

Pat Pending

Sorry Bushy; forgot who Dr S was (I'm getting confused but have remembered now).

Sir Quentin has narrowed it down (a bit) by posting just now as Daddy Cool.

Is this........

Post 191

Pat Pending

Galliana not me. Kris? Sarnia?

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Post 192


LOL!! It is Dr Strangegloves then... Foolish boy!

Ich sehe mich nur ein wenig um.

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Post 193


he picked the right day to create a new character!

Is this........

Post 194


ian johnson alert!

spotted on the Chat up lines thread!

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Post 195


das este "plank", nine?

Where has galliana gone and who is she?

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Post 196



The lesser spotted johnston is creeping through the undergrowth, fire at will!!

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Post 197


have just invited target homophobe into a shower...oh the irony

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Post 198

Pat Pending

This is truly a great day: If johnston gets in that shower, Bradford will be down on him like a ton of bricks.

Who is Linda Mason? If she's not one of us, then she ought to become one.

Is this........

Post 199


I am creased with laughter!! The johnston is slithering into the shower with you two girls, watch out...

Anyone seen what the mad Dr Strangegloves has put now? He's nuts but I think Bushwhack'd had better re-appear. Dagmar can go back in her box for now... Oo'er!

Is this........

Post 200


I'm slagging us off to SIr Quentin as Jennie......this is better than I ever thought

someone tell the Dr who I am!

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