This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

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Post 241


He'd be called Kev the Shed End!

I've sat quite a few times in the Matthew Harding Lower. One of the times was last season against ahem Wet Spam (5-1) and I was fascinated by what appeared to be crop circles on David James's head. I was only in row 10, so had a good view.

You may not recall this, but I have posted at least once with Kev the Shed previously!

Anyway, as they say........bring him on!

Nearly time for Question Time. I send texts sometimes to the prog, and having Sky digital they show up on the bottom of the screen. They've shown a few of mine, but none from last week. Was really miffed. Maybe they didn't like the one when I told Mo Mowlam to SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP. (I generally quite like her, but something she was going on about irritated me).

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Post 242

Pat Pending

Morning Sarnia,

1. You are Hans, and I claim my £10.
2. I'm glad you remember Kev the Shed: hopefully, some other people will and he'll return to the boards with a bit of cred.
3. Are you a vicar? You've written that you were officiating at a wedding: is this true?

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Post 243


a good trick for making a new name start with already a few postings to their name:

sign up as usual then before verifying your email...preview and post’ll get an error message telling you to verify..ignore this and use the back button and keep posting the same message (you’ll keep getting error messages but keep going back)...keep doing this a few times(each time counts as a posting)....once you confirm your email and your allowed past the error screen the number next to your name looks like your an old pro to the boards

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Post 244


re: UK accents Kristine Baretout - 864th post - 14 Nov 2002 18:17
hi dagmar,

it is good to see lots more women using these boards now. thoe men are a bit limited in their imagination !!
Just noticed a good reply from Mel:
" re: This filth should be outlawed! Mel Simpson - 1480th post - 14 Nov 2002 18:11
Jennie, you're my kinda woman! "

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Post 245


sorry posted a part of Kris's message above it should have posted:

:"re: This filth should be outlawed! Mel Simpson - 1480th post - 14 Nov 2002 18:11
Jennie, you're my kinda woman!"

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Post 246

Pat Pending

Go Brad: you know what to do!

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Post 247

Pat Pending

Can I just second hazel's suggestion yesterday of someone who needs a dose of reality? Over on MBs>Parenting>Hot Topics, there's a chap name of Anthony Perkins who's started a thread on smoking and drinking. It's apparent from the replies that he has "form" on that board and that, best of all, he's not even a parent. Might be worth a visit?

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Post 248


Morning everyone!

Blimey, I've had some work to do today... Bad show or what?

Anthony Perkins? Wasn't he in Psycho? Which MB is it Pat?

Are we having an invasion today Brad?

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Post 249

Pat Pending


"Messageboards A-Z">"Parenting">"Hot Topics".

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Post 250

Pat Pending

Hey everyone, Dr S has made contact: he's coming over here (else, he's started a conversation in my space called "Oi Pat" or something).

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Post 251


Too busy today seadogs

swash a buckle for me

tried to make contact with the Dr left a few mesages on the names I found (there's a few!)

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Post 252


Pat and Bushy if you are doing a Pirate invasion make sure you kick up a storm on the ‘and finally’ board just to P*** the mutley bunch off

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Post 253


Morning all,

No Pat, I'm not Hans (takes tenner back).

I've just replied to Kev the Shed asking him if he's been anywhere exciting. Shall await his response with interest! Will he mention prison????

I'm not a vicar either; I was just being silly.

One of my texts came up on the QT screen last night.

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Post 254

Doctor Strangegloves


Am finally getting the hang of this thing?

Right, *I am back*.

Just to clarify - had to keep a low profile for a while - the Mods tracked down my multiple personalities and therefore you won't be hearing any more from Col R. F. Nutcase, for instance.

Is Brad really Jennie Girl?

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Post 255


Hi Doctor,

Yes, Brad really is Jennie Girl. Good, eh?

Shame about not hearing anymore from Col. Nutcase - I enjoyed that tatting session. smiley - smiley

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Post 256

Pat Pending

hi Dr,

If you follow this conversation backwards, you can see the planning that went into Jennie Girl. Are you Hans Verkerkrak or whatever he's called?

Hi Sarnia: I'm going to gradually reveal Kev the Shed's history on (please excuse the split infinitive).

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Post 257

Doctor Strangegloves

Yes, sadly the Mods worked out that about 5 posters all had the same email address and, after the BH raid, blocked everything that came from it.

However - get Ian in the shower (erm...), nail the Muttleys...a fiine ambition. Maybe there's a mission in there...

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Post 258


Howdo Dr!!

Glad to see you have finally arrived in our little world away from the MB's. We were desperate to let you in on the "goings-on" yesterday but at least you've arrived now!

German teenager anyone?

Pat, I have just smacked anthony perkins right in the mush (hope it doesn't get deleted!!) so hoepfully his blood will be boiling now and we can have some fun later.

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Post 259

Pat Pending

PS Sarnia,

You really are quite the media celebrity aren't you?

I don't watch QT because it's no good for my blood pressure, and I dozed off before you got on to 606 on Wednesday (fell asleep when that hooray numpty from Cornwall came on and said he was a Newcastle fan), but I'll now be keeping eyes and ears open. Are you "Sarnia" in those dimensions too?

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Post 260

Pat Pending

Good work Bushy: I think all messages are pre-modded over there, but I'll skip across and have a look.

PS to EVERYONE: I know I'm nicking Brad's idea, but it went so well that I might try giving KtS a personality not entirely in line with that you might expect. No-one's allowed to take offence, OK? It's part of a plan.

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