This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

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Post 201


Bushwhack'd has Jennie Girl in his sights!

I don't think Dr Strangegloves is on h2g2 is he?

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Post 202

Pat Pending

Is "Linda mason" hinting at something with her fish related puns? Suggests a MC-H! influence. Am I being very obtuse here?

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Post 203


ROFL!!!!!!! Who is Linda Mason? If she's genuine, she's wonderful! Oh Ian Johnston - get into the shower quick. I'm crying with laughter!!

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Post 204


I cant believe Im arguing with the doctor about Brad...i mean me!!

someone get Dady cool over here so I can let him in on th ejoke!

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Post 205

Pat Pending

Have been nosing around, and there is a Dr Strangegloves on here, but his space is dormant. I've left a message in his space and will leave something cryptic for Sir Quentin on

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Post 206


I have to say its very liberating arguing for the other side....

I love the fact only a handleful of us know what is really going on

I'm trying to ally myself more with ian - through the homophobe references

may need some insde help though

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Post 207

Pat Pending

You bar stewards: while I've been doing diligent research here and checking around the dusty vaults for Dr S, you've been having a riot over there. Please please please will someone get ij into the shower or bath? He's very carefully not admitted to being in yet (presumably struggling with his conscience) but when he's in I'm going to burst in with a camera and sell the pictures to the NOTW.

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Post 208


Brad, don't you think that maybe the Dr. (Daddy Cool) is conducting a double bluff?

I'll help you later on with Ian (not as Sarnia though).

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Post 209


Looks like pooter is still seething about me calling him peter poofter! LOL!

Anyone managed to bring Dr Strangeloves over yet? He needs to know ...

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Post 210


I'm so tempted to do a tootsie moment infront of Pete an ian and pull the wig off for a confessional?

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Post 211

Pat Pending

Left message for strangegloves, but no reply: might not be him?

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Post 212


should I reveal or wait?

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Post 213


Wait Brad! Let 'em hang themselves ...

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Post 214


this has gone better than I thought...too well

nice work everyone!

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Post 215

Pat Pending

Feel like I've been a bit of an outsider today, but it's been very entertaining.

Jennie's latest (and, annoyingly, my reply) seems to have been pulled, but what with showers and baths you've got away with more than I was expecting.

Brad: don't blow your cover. Daddy Cool will deal with it, and I want to see certain posters' reaction to the new arrival.

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Post 216


What have you been up to today then PP? Where's Carola? Where's Dr Strangegloves? Why do I ask so many questions?

I cannot believe those daft Mods haven't spotted us behind the masks! See Mr johnston has legged it. Think I might of scared him off with the troilism reference?

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Post 217


I never realised I could be such a bitch!

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Post 218


I wouldn't mess with that Jenny I can tell ya!

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Post 219


can't wait for Daddy Cools reaction when we tell him

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Post 220

Pat Pending

The Mods have revealed their colours too: Jennie can post with impunity, I keep getting pulled whenever I try to reply. What if ij and ms are mods?

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