This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

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Post 61


Hi Pat and Bushy (hope you don't mind sharing a message).

Still haven't looked at the boards yet, but I know what you mean Pat about moaners. Tim (the Traffic Warden) could moan for Britain. I don't understand why people get so upset either - why does it BOTHER them?

Who is your alter (sp?) ego there Pat?

My post count would have been well over 2,000 by now if for some reason a month or so back, my password etc wasn't accepted, so I had to re-register.

Yes, that 4th goal was a farce. I thought that Leeds would go on to win 12-1.

Di Canio gave it his all though (last time I saw him was when I was sitting behind the goal at SB, when he made it 3-2 for your lot) Humph!

I loved Father Ted too - one of the best things on TV IMHO. You should see my Mrs Doyle impersonations! Err, perhaps not....

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Post 62


Just had a look. Hmmmmm.

There's some weird posts on the Today's News (or whatever it's called) on the 5 Live boards - one guy appears unable to type in paragraphs and has posted some very odd stuff (at the weekend) about bullies. Read the first line but then couldn't be bothered to read on any further.

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Post 63

Pat Pending

I saw that one Sarnia, and tried to read it, but just sort of zoned out halfway through.

I see you got caught in the crossfire at the weekend about whether or not Ian Johnstone is a homophobe: nice use of Voltaire on your part I thought, although I do think Ian has a strange understanding of how language works.

Come on, your turn: favourite Father Ted moment?

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Post 64

Pat Pending

PS: Sarnia,

I wasn't saying that all people with big post counts (oo-er missus) are moaners, just that there are some who think they've somehow earned the right to whine because they've been around a while.

PPS: Don't have a regular alter ego, although Bradford Quigley uses my PC sometimes.

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Post 65


Is it ian johnston?

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Post 66



No not ian johnston (is he really still yapping on about homsexuals whilst thumbing through his copy of the OED???) but none other than Tony McRush! Ruth's better half??

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Post 67


You saw that Pat? I don't agree with what Ian says but it does annoy me when people start telling other people what they can or can't say. So, probably against my better judgement, I barged in!

Have dropped it now, as only wanted to say what I did.

Ian does have a strange understanding of how language works, I agree. Although I hardly ever post to him, I've noted how he is always polite and courteous to women!

Favourite Father Ted moment ...have so many I can't single any out. Any scene with the (name temporarily escapes me - help!) dirty old priest cracked me up.

Did you ever watch Bob's World? It was on over a year ago on BBC 2. So sexist etc - it was bloody hilarious (can't remember the name of the actor - think I'm going senile early).

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Post 68

Pat Pending


Father Jack Hackett.

'Til tomorrow...

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Post 69


Hi Pat,

Remembered the name after I'd logged off. Will you be wanting a cup of tea now Pat?

Just finished watching "The Project". Thought it was excellent.

Just let rip on the 5 Live Boards on the Today's News in a thread that Anthony started about Santa in something or other clothes. As usual, can't remember exactly what it was called.

Prob had too many glasses of wine, but I just it find so humourless! Bashing this and that all the time. Why are these people so angry?

I won't dare look at the board for a day or two, too scared at the reaction I may get (what a coward I am). smiley - smiley

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Post 70


//he is always polite and courteous to women!//


You saying that makes me think straight away that he might be gay?!?! How funny would that be? Actually thinking about it, his faithful Mutley (peter pooter) is only one 'f' away from being a poofter too... The plot thickens!

Morning Pat! Are you well? Recovered from weekend disappointments yet?

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Post 71

Pat Pending

Morning both,

Sarnia: it's all clear on the "Today's News" front for you: Anthony has offered you a glass of wine. Oh, and Mel (hiss) is asking you about a travel book on ..and finally.

Bushy: weekend disappointments have paled into insignificance in comparison with having my bike nicked from Leicester Square last night. There I am, merrily wasting a couple of mindless hours with "XXX", free tickets courtesy of the standard, while some &%$**)(@^'s half inching me Marin. Distinctly unamused.

Anyone else now envisaging Dastardly and Mutley living in a white cottage in the Scottish highlands whiling away those long winter evenings with 19th Century editions of the OED?

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Post 72


Pat: Dashed bad show old boy! I thought all legal eagles drove Mercedes... Could be wrong I suppose. Was 'XXX' any good? Have seen a few trailers and don't think I would enjoy it too much! Might go and see the Michael Moore film 'Bowling for Columbine' this weekend. Have you had a chance to catch that yet?

... Mel? (hiss!) Sorry just had to get that in...

New thread title: 101 uses for the OED in a white cottage in Scotland!

Any takers? No! Oh well ...

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Post 73

Pat Pending


Well, obviously my man was in the Merc just around the corner, but I like to get "on my bike" occasionally as a homage to the great Norman Tebbitt and his sensible policies for a happier Britain.

I'm not sure I'd say "XXX" is "good", but it's entertaining if you're prepared to disengage brain. Do you like Bond? It's Bond with muscles, right down to the last Bond cliche.

The Michael Moore is going to have to wait 'til the weekend: if my plans come together, I'll see him in a "Stupid White Men"/"Bowling for Columbine" double bill, but time is precious because it's Man U at home on Saturday.

Use No 1: Propping up a bed leg if it gets broken under the weight of moral certitude.

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Post 74


Ah ha! Watch out that your man doesn't nip off to see Piers and blow the gaff on your secrets!

Ummm... Think I'll wait for XXX to come out on DVD then?

Use No. 2: Stand on OED to get into those 'difficult to reach' moral states!

Is this........

Post 75


Hi Bushy,

Ha ha! I wonder how that would go down on the boards!!

I wonder who Peter Pooter is?

Alistair W thought that Ian and Wendy were the same poster - deliberately being pole opposites. I don't think so.

Nice idea about a thread entitled a "white" (Cottage!)

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Post 76


Morning Pat,

Sorry to hear about your bike, what a pain.

Glad to hear it's all clear on the boards (haven't looked yet). I think I went over the top, but couldn't have been too pissed because I remember what I said.

Have been mornings when I've got up and thought "bloody hell, just WHAT did I say on the boards last night?"

Anthony's offered me a glass of wine eh? I wasn't having a go at him personally. He's a big footie fan too btw - supports Fulham.

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Post 77


Excellent post on ...AF! Who is Timothy SmartyPants? Brad??? Dr Strangegloves???

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Post 78


I was going to ask same question, Bushy. Loved your West comment btw,Pat. smiley - smiley

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Post 79



Let's see if Pete D will go for this one? We need an insider mole on the BBC if we are going to take over the country before sandy winder and William Norton!

Is this........

Post 80


Oops! Wrong thread... Me and Brad are taking over the planet but please don't tell anyone will you? It's a secret! Shhh...

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