This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Is this........

Post 21


I heard the last 5 minutes of the game, and his commentary was really over the top when SU scored winning goal. I couldn't stop laughing, and Ian Payne then said he'd have to repeat it (which he did - twice!)

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Post 22


Hmmm... Glad I was otherwised engaged then in that case!

See you later!

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Post 23


Good afternoon,

Sorry for not having made a formal intro - thought you might have got it from SW's posting. I'm a sort of refugee from the Blue Boards, which seem to remain totally disrupted.

"John Marshall" and "Hiyo Silverfish" over there.

Bushy (if I may be so bold) - love your thing on the Dating Board and I've made a contribution though not, I fear, up to your standard.

Must go now 'cos I know nothing about football, (explained, no doubt, by the fact that I live in Plymouth).smiley - biggrin

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Post 24


How do you do BB!

Football is a fairly inconsequential matter for me (nothing to do with me being a Leeds fan I hasten to add!) so do please contribute in any way you see fit!

I have taken the opportunity to alleviate some boredom on the Nature, Weird Nature board earlier where I discovered, via V Max, a certain person who thinks himself to be a lycanthrope (werewolf in this case)! A target too good to miss I fear...

Singles & Dating is jolly good fun I agree!!

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Post 25


Hey there, Bush Baby Boy Wack smiley - biggrin

Just signing in, saying hello and generally making a nuisance of myself! smiley - tongueout

See you later

smiley - cheers


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Post 26


Howdy Mister Lovegloves!

What are you up to today? What is the significance of "akira100" by the way?

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Post 27


Ah yes, akira...smiley - smiley

It's a bit of a film thing. The best director who ever lived (east or west) was akira kurosawa - he of The Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, Ran, etc, etc. smiley - wow
Then there is a manga/anime called "Akira" directed by Katsuhiro Otomo, which is wonderful. smiley - bigeyes
Then there was an episode of the Simpsons in which Homer got poisoned in a sushi restaurant and thought he was going to die in 24 hours - their waiter was called Akira.
And finally (and a bit more tenuous) there is a Finnish film director called Aki Kaurismaki who made a film called "Leningrad Cowboys Go America", the best film to be made in Finland about a Russian rockabilly band - ever! smiley - biggrin

The 100 after akira is because I use it as a "nom to filme/guerre/plume" on several sites and plain old akira seems to be fairly common!

So that's it. Not only the reason for the nick but also a fairly comprehensive list of my interests!!

smiley - cheers


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Post 28

Pat Pending

Anyone here like fillums then?!

Peter: Good morning to you. What do you think of Greenaway?

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Post 29


I guessed the Kurosawa link but what a multi-dimensional character you truly are Peter!

So tell me a little bit about yourself. Where do you live, what you do etc...

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Post 30


Not much to tell,Bushy. smiley - yawn

Live in Reading (8th place in Division One as we speak!); age 47 (but mid-twenties inside, as everyone else is); single (by the skin of my teeth); disabled (brain tumour, stroke, loads of ops, wheelchair, blah, blah); read a lot (Pratchett, Rankin, King, classics, whodunnits, history, biography); watch films (DVDs, Film Four, Sky, videos); don't work (obviously - otherwise I wouldn't have time to tap away on the laptop all day); like loads of music (classics, opera, seventies - when I was growing up - ,try to keep in touch with current sounds - like the strokes, the bees, travis, david gray, underworld, red hot chili peppers, etc); writing a fair bit nowadays......

How's that for starters? smiley - biggrin

That's enough about me.

smiley - cheers


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Post 31


Well that certainly was a good start Peter!

Unfortunately I do not get quite as much time as I would like to indulge myself reading wise and seem to spend lots of spare time writing down equations for no particular reason. Have read quite a bit of Pratchett and enjoyed your Ankh-Morpork thread the other day! Pratchett is very good friends with Professor Ian Stewart (a relatively famous mathematician) so the science in Discworld, although essentially satyrical, is quite accurate and based in up to the minute developments in Physics and Mathematics.

What are you writing?

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Post 32


I just write whatever comes into my head at the moment.

There was a film a year or so back starring Sean Connery as a reclusive writer ("Finding Forrester") who is teaching a young black kid the art of writing good fiction. He makes him sit at a typewriter for a couple of hours a day, just typing whatever comes. I thought that would be a good way of getting some "positive creative training".

I've also read a book by Stephen King called "On Writing" which is very encouraging and made me think I could could write the next "The Shining" if I put my mind to it.

I bought this new laptop in May and it literally sits in my lap while I type away for hours.

One day something will come out and I will think, "Hmm, let's work on this. There's a story in there somewhere."

smiley - cheers


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Post 33

Pat Pending


Can I tempt you away for a moment to help William Norton with a query he has on Lifestyle>Nature>Nature Matters? It's to do with parrots.

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Post 34


smiley - sorry Pat, you asked me a question earlier about Peter Greenaway.

Yes, I do like him - very much. I think he is one of the true artists working in film. I can watch Prospero's Books over and over (and not just for the nudieness!). It's like a piece of music; every time I watch it I get more from it. It has rhythm, composition and startling imagery.

smiley - cheers

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Post 35

Pat Pending


Re Greenaway.

As you might have guessed, I couldn't agree with you more. Prospero's Books is very artistic, but I think The Cook, the Thief........ is even more like a picture. The use of colour, and the panning techniques from the kitchen to the restaurant remind me of a whole series of classic group portraits in which a single scene is being painted but there are so many individual stories hisdden away. Sorry: haven't explained that very well, but it always makes me think I'm watching what Rembrandt would have done had he had access to film.

Nonetheless, my favourite is Drowning by Numbers. The artistry within a mathematical straitjacket, together with Nyman's wonderful Mozartian score makes me come back to it time and again. If only Mrs Pen felt the same way..........

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Post 36

Pat Pending

Blimey, modded off of Nature already. Must be time for lunch then: see you all later.

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Post 37


Yes Pat, they were on to us quickly today. Still, fun while it lasted! Off to lunch too. Loved Bushy's comments about his cheese smelling like a parrot. And, thanks for picking me up on the muslim thing - what a typo!

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Post 38


I thought you did that on porpoise, Sarnia! smiley - smiley

I got a modemail telling me that my posting had pulled because the previous one had been and the sense would etc etc. smiley - steam

Then my reply to the reply that had been pulled got its own thread and made no sense whatsoever smiley - doh- and I was just starting to get into my stride!

As you say, short and sweet, but fun while it lasted.

smiley - cheers

Is this........

Post 39


Bah! Bloody moronators spoiling our fun! I was just getting going as well!!

Did you catch Brad's "Monkey Trouble" thread? tee hee!

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Post 40


Hi Peter,

Ahemm, yes, of course I did it on porpoise! (No, I'm not that clever, I'm afraid).

I laughed when I saw William had put up another thread about parrot injuries - if's it still there I'll have a go at a reply and see if it stays. smiley - smiley

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