This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 521


Says ... Shady Dealer himself who we have all been watching canoodling with a married woman (Sarnia) over in that darkened corner!!

Now please nobody mention kris, thank you!

Anyway, let's see if I can get Eddie Crane deleted, isn't he a Mod in disguise?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 522


we're we going in the 'morrow?

CBB?...we'll lose Pirates if we have to register first?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 523


Yes, it will have to be somewhere else Brad!!

Tee hee, I just got Eddie's message deleted, what thick twerps them Mods truly are...

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 524

Doctor Strangegloves

I thought you got deleted you really speak Flemish?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 525


only when he s got a cold

ok DR you have to come up with the MB tomorrow...easily reached and include directions

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 526


I only speak English and Bollocks mate! LOL! (little bit of French acuatually as well)

The message got binned but I'm still on to fight another day...

Wonder if we could set-up a load of logins for CBB and then stand at the door handing them out so to speak next week when we can plan a real belter of an invasion? What do you reckon Brad and chaps?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 527

Doctor Strangegloves

Lordy, why me? If it's easily reached it'll have to be BBC, which means I get banned again.

Hey Brad - just been to Holda the huntress' Space. Wonder if she'll be impressed with your poetic skills?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 528

Doctor Strangegloves

Haa haa I'm such a barstard sometimes...

How about a campaign on the Great Britons site to get somebody voted in as Greatest Briton? It would have to be someone entirely inappropriate - then we can all post our support. Any suggestions?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 529


why you ? becaue Kim was first!

the CBB idea is brilliant but might be too complicated

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 530


ok Dr surprise us tomorrow

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 531


Dr, first class idea!!

One of the following:

Barrymore (spits!)
Sam Fox
Rolf Harris - yes, I know but he's been here bloody years!!
Paul Burrell
Myra Hindley - hmmm, maybe not eh?

...or Sarah Greene?

Any good ones there for you Doc?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 532

kri stickle mass

hi boys,

that was a long load of convos to get through, if you look at the ones posted at the beginning of the day, you will see that bushy is writing at one point as pat pen

//Subject: SchoolBoy Johnston
Posted 4 Hours Ago by Jam Master Jammy B'd
This is a reply to this Posting Posting 476
Good morning all Pat Pen reporting in for duty! Hey Bushy looks like you may have an an admirer in kris?//

and the reply was ...

//Subject: SchoolBoy Johnston
Posted 4 Hours Ago by The Real Pat Shady
This is a reply to this Posting Posting 477

Morning all.
Yeah Pat , do you think I'm in there?
Where's Johnston gone? He posted some gibberish yesterday, I replied, and now he's gone silent.
Are you here Ian?//

and then yesterday bushy, you claimed it was you who told me to put on the uniform and i posted the whole post BY BRAD. so that wasnt you although you believed you did, so i imagine you remembered typing it.

i wonder what you would think if you were me at this point in time ???

poo i have just this moment had another dirty phone call from a creep this time.

where was i... yes well it's a puzzle isnt it. i dont suppose it matters seeing as i dont care which one of you i am talking to, i enjoy you all the same smiley - tongueout

smiley - rose

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 533


See if I can get away with this one on Eddie Crane about his "inflatable" Dutch g/f?? Bet he cottons and post gets deleted?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 534


Hey there kris! Don't take any notice of us silly people in here ...

Pull up a ... well pull anything you like up and sit back, relax and enjoy our slide into insanity!

About this phone call! Any chance of a full script so we can give you our considered opinion on the matter?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 535

Doctor Strangegloves

Hello, Kris here?
Ah’ve got…a dictionary.
I beg your pardon?
It’s big and hard and it’s in my hand.
Who is this?
I’m looking up your name now…
Stop that!
Oh yes, discipline me…Uh..uh…you bad boy Ian…it says not to do this in the Bible…

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 536

Doctor Strangegloves

That didn't come off very well, did it? If you'll pardon the pun.

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 537

Pat Pending

Welcome back Kris: haven't heard much from you recently.

Don't worry about the name chaos: it's mainly been down to Pat acting like a kid and trying to confuse everyone. Sometimes I don't think his Mum should let him out to play.

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 538

Doctor Strangegloves

How about this as an announcement at 1 o'clock tomorrow:

Great Britons Campaign
Due to an anomaly in vote counting, Great Britons is being reopened to nominations.

It is because of this that I ask and finally posters to join with me in visiting the Great Britons messageboard to support the campaign to have Richard Madeley crowned as the Greatest Briton.

Simply go to the BBC homepage and select Great Britons, then show your support.

I may announce this as Camile.

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 539


PAt Pen NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 540


Doc! I got the jist and I am creased with laughter!! Sorry kris if you have a real pervert problem but I can just see mr johnston cluthing his dictionary and being given a stiff talking to ...

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