This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 501


...Or reversals like my ex Betty Swallocks?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 502

Doctor Strangegloves

Oh Bushy, you shining wit.

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 503


Any old port in storm eh Doc?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 504

Doctor Strangegloves


Keep up the good work, Bushy. Let's nail Bob taylor now.

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 505


Well I'm not too sure I can compete with you a PP in this game? You've already managed "rimming" and "penetrate ... inner circle"! LOL!

Bob Taylor is another comedy character isn't he?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 506

Doctor Strangegloves

Not one of mine. As I said, I've got fed up of Tango Man. He was meant to be a parody but in my naivety I forgot how many real bigots are out there. I fear Mr Taylor may be real.

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 507


Jeepers creepers, he's a real "murderer in waiting" I think then?

Who is Annie Cooper? PP???

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 508

Pat Pending

Come on Bushy, play our childish game? (I think "golden shower" might be about to appear in the CBB thread).

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 509


Bah!! Not having much luck tempting the rotten little bigots out from under their stones today ... Even mentioning Arthur Scargill is keeping them at bay!

Ok, I'll do me best on the rude phrase thingymajig! Gimme a moment to think about something!

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 510

Doctor Strangegloves

I've got a belter but the site keeps crrashing...

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 511

Doctor Strangegloves

No, it got on there anyway. I can't beleive that will stay there for very long.

Golden shower - very subtle, PP!

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 512

Pat Pending

Good one DS, although it's generated horrible thoughts.

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 513


Where is it? I've been busy booting Vic Power around over on Today's News...

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 514

Pat Pending

Dr S's is in a post in the CBB thread about how Arthur Scargill is past his best: look out for a ref to a contemporary Brit Art fiend.

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 515


martin scores an own goal which I am more than pleased to point out! Pay attention baines!!

Seen your effort Pat and it is superb but I may be able to better it I think! Just waiting for the right moment..

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 516

Doctor Strangegloves

Which thread are you on Bushy, my computer is slower than a special needs snail today.

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 517


can any one tell me what to do with a stalker?

goto 'for Brad" on my space...she keeps sending me poems and the last one put the willies up me!

it's seriously creepy isn't any of you is it!

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 518

Doctor Strangegloves

Wooah Brad. Someone has spent some time on that. Come on, you thought it was Kris, didn't you? Hmmm...

My guess is...Ian's sister!

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 519


Sorry Brad mate but none of us are that committed to strat writing all that cobblers during the night!! Best if you stay with one of us at all times I suspect?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 520

Pat Pending

Also Brad, don't go walking off and talking to strange ladies when our backs are turned. First off, you replied to her ("strange fits of passion, I have known" indeed, whatever next?), and then you went off to visit her space didn't you? Didn't you? What have we told you about going off with strangers? But do you pay any attention? We might as well have been talking to ourselves.

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