This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Urban Myths

Post 581


Come on Brad you slacker!! Never mind w**king, there's other boards to invade...

Haven't looked at what doug has put but I can imagine. There's something quite inherently nasty about some of things he puts but that is his right I suppose? It is also my right to oppose his idiotic notions.

Urban Myths

Post 582

kri stickle mass

hi - about doug, he is not quantifiable, i have been posting with him for a long time and i like him and trust him. but he is entitled to hold his views and i dont have a problem with it.

i really dont want to start debating politics here, talk to doug about it, but dont start insulting him or accusing him of having an extremist agenda. be reasonable, he is.

kris smiley - rose

Urban Myths

Post 583

Doctor Strangegloves

Brad, are you an illustrator/artist or something? You've alluded to it before, but you could be a photographer for girly mags as well?

Urban Myths

Post 584


kris, I do not think doug is being "reasonable" at the moment and have said as much on the forum to him! I understand though it is not polite to discuss people you are close to, in overly derogatory terms within this environment. I don't think we have done that and personally I will keep my doug deep views on the forum for the time being.

Urban Myths

Post 585

Doctor Strangegloves

Hey Bushy, what were you doing in Kirkstall? Tha's just round the corner from me!

Urban Myths

Post 586


It is where they stick all the grotty students, that and Headingley anyway ... I was at Leeds University for my sins!!

Whereabouts are you?

Urban Myths

Post 587

Doctor Strangegloves

Bushy, headingley's dead posh now.

I live in Saltaire and I used to go into work through Kirkstall when I worked in Leeds.

Kirkstall is still a pit, though.

Urban Myths

Post 588


I lived in Brighouse

DR?.. I'm an illustrator weekends and mag desighner work days ( although if I miss this deadline...not for much longer)

not girly boss is a mason so I also produce the lodge literature belive it or not and also some mags for th eoil industry.....the irony! the belly of the beast...

Urban Myths

Post 589

Doctor Strangegloves

Blimey brad - I'm sure you're working to change the system from within, though, right?

Urban Myths

Post 590


I'm under orders from th eboss to infiltrate anyone opposed to the masond, paedophillia, BUsh oil war, security measures and reduced personal freedoms....your all on my list

Urban Myths

Post 591

Pat Pending

I once had a Mason (father of my then girlfriend), tell me he'd make sure I never worked in this country. Pompous git.

Anyway, on other matters, I think Pirate Peter Lovegloves and Hazel Clarke might have already headed for Soap: they're getting restless over on MC-H!. I think they were expecting an 11.00 kick off, and might appreciate a word from the skipper if he has a second to let them know they haven't been forgotten.

Urban Myths

Post 592


Yeah come on Quisling! Spare us poor paupers a few mins of your valuable and lead the attack...

Actually, and rather embarrassingly I am extremely well paid and have things such as company credit cards, flashy cars etc. BUT, I am definitely working from within and come the revolution brothers and sisters you'll all be on my list, so don't worry!

Urban Myths

Post 593


Skipper is busy..hence the bad spelling...ok I'll signal

Urban Myths

Post 594


DR reply to my post with the destination MB.....

Ships Ahoy!!!!!!

Urban Myths

Post 595


That's fellow!

What is the Dr's suggestion by the way?

Tell you what people I am a pacifist but I wouldn't mind meeting certain people and "frightening" them a bit!! See how brave most of these BNP supporters are when faced with a big ugly dude like me staring down at 'em!

Urban Myths

Post 596


Good morning all,

Dr. Strangegloves - I enjoyed your tongue in my ear, made a change from the stethoscope.

I may not be able to join you in your raid today as I am tatting away and am rather tangled up in it.

I've nearly finished the new garment and shall leave the shuttle in as requested, and in the position as requested.

Re your worn out current item of tattery. If you just stand still for a minute I'll do a repair job right now - keep still, I said!

Urban Myths

Post 597

Doctor Strangegloves

Ooh blimey. I might be a medical man, but I;'m not sure what part of the body THAT is.

Urban Myths

Post 598


Who is a medical man? You don't mean me do you Doc?

Urban Myths

Post 599

Doctor Strangegloves

This is all getting so, so confusing.

Urban Myths

Post 600


I'v just taken a few minutes to drop in here from the soap boards.

You lot are OUT OF ORDER. Now, stop slagging me and my looks off.

I may look like a hamster but I have the roar of a guinea pig and can run up men's trouserlegs and bite in one second flat.

Now, if I may be allowed to get on with my life...(I've got to collect David from the toxic centre)

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