This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Urban Myths

Post 601

Doctor Strangegloves

ROFL! (good one that Pat)

Gail, how do you respond to the Guardian's charge that you look like " a pigeon being patronising"?

Urban Myths

Post 602


Dr. That was not Pat, that was me (Sarnia) or were you ROFL to something else?

Well, what a silly thing for the Guardian to say. Have you ever seen a pigeon look patronising?

The Daily Housework paper said I was like "a hamster being hectoring".

Much better don't you think?

Now get out of my way, or I'll have to hoover round you.

Urban Myths

Post 603

kri stickle mass

i have not found where you are posting. i went to the soaps fantasy but didnt see anything lkely. someone lay it out for me please.

smiley - ta kirs smiley - rose

Urban Myths

Post 604

Doctor Strangegloves

BBC Homepage - a-z index - go to s - pick soaps - messageboards - fantasy scripts

Urban Myths

Post 605

Doctor Strangegloves


Doug Deep has now revealed his links to Combat 18 - although it's "only a few mates" he has there.

Urban Myths

Post 606


Well the sad m***** f***** knows how I feel so I shall not bother with him or that twixxx creature any further!

Urban Myths

Post 607

Doctor Strangegloves

I shall just continue to post "still waiting" until 3 o'clock, then leave it.

Urban Myths

Post 608


I can't be bothered anymore... he will not answer because he cannot! Anyway, wouldn't surprise me if it's a wind-up (in exceptionally poor taste I might add) but it has distracted most of us today so who knows?

Invasion going quite well although I suspect I maybe DING'd at any moment now especially as the "Cat Slater had an erection!" thread develops...

Urban Myths

Post 609

Doctor Strangegloves

I got a post about PhilMitchell looking like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle pulled. Not surprised really. Just a bit worried we might run out of steam. Shallwe blow the hooter at about 2.15?

Urban Myths

Post 610

kri stickle mass

arrrggghh i had better get there quick smiley - zoom

Urban Myths

Post 611


Can I just take a few minutes here to say that the last few hours playing with my pals on the slippery soap slope have been brilliant.

Most fun I've had sitting down. smiley - smiley

You've all done very well smiley - biggrin

Easily the best raid so far (except for 5Live on R4, of course smiley - tongueout)

Everyone over to MC-H! later for a celebratory drink in Gail's Bar. -And no mention of dd and politics, please smiley - ill

smiley - cheerssmiley - redwinesmiley - alesmiley - bubbly


Urban Myths

Post 612


A***! missed the raid and now the after carnage party!
save me a pineapple chuck on a cocktail stick

Kris are you in th eBNP..I know you said you don't want to discuss politics...but I just want to be clear

Urban Myths

Post 613

kri stickle mass

stop that brad,

you know i am not. what is the matter with you all?

god, i cant believe this. i have no idea about combat 18, i do not take sides when i dont know the full deal. if you are looking to start having a go at me, be my guest brad, i would love to take you on in a squab out in the open. no problem. start slinging all your venom this way if it will make you feel better., i am always happy to play scapegoat. no wurries mate!

Urban Myths

Post 614

Doctor Strangegloves

Brad this isn't a witch hunt!

I'm sure Kris isn't, though if she is unsure what the BNP are really about she should have a look at that Panorama site.

Urban Myths

Post 615

kri stickle mass

i am not interested in flipping politics. you lot are nuts. your politics starts here and now and my ability to change life around me is far higher than any frigging stupid frigging politics i am going out for a bit. dont talk to me about boring frigging stupid lying politics any more please it is as s**t as religion.

Urban Myths

Post 616


Kris I think you overreacting ...slightly

It was a a question in ref to your post to BUshy...I've hardley been on the boards you'll have to forgive me for was only a question after all

DR you getting the wrong end of the stick too it seems

I've since read another post by Kris which clears it up

chill everyone....Doug is now at the bottom of my Christmas Card list

my ex wife had a nervous breakdown and a suicide attempt(while I was with her) by enduring racism from a certain university..if anyones should have reason to get touchy and throwing around insults ...its it everyone

Urban Myths

Post 617

Doctor Strangegloves

Kris, sorry you feel like that but once you have seen the hate these people radiate close-up you can not go back.

I know Doug is a mate of yours. Please look at the Panorama site, it might help you see why "politics" is sometimes very important indeed.

Urban Myths

Post 618


All I shall say on the subject (and then shut up, honest!) is that I went on many Anti-Nazi League marches in the seventies and it saddens me to see that what we campaigned against then is as strong as ever twenty five years later.

I'll say no more.

Urban Myths

Post 619

kri stickle mass

i dont get involved in politics because to join a group you have to join with lies.

i have also heard that the anti nazi are as extreme as the anti hunt etc. so i dont want to get involved here because both sides want to be confirmed as right and as i said already, the media goes for extreme portrayals.

like i said, i deal in the here and now and change peoples lives right here and now for the better and move on. i dont count up and i dont count cost and i dont look at anyone else's scoresheet either. politics is like waving a gucci dress or a denomination. i dont want to know cos it dont mean anything to me.

if you want to change the world you have to do it here and now. not idealogically, or theoretically or under any false pretences. you give without requiring promise or results and practice the law of life here and now.

i am finished. i am not overreactiving brad. i know perfectly well how much you have contributed you know. ;-P

Urban Myths

Post 620


Evening all!

Oi.!! Steady on chaps...

Can we agree to disagree without acrimony? I think kris is great, a truly free spirit, incredibly interesting and also friendly with doug! So what? I think Brad, Pat, Sarnia, Dr and the R4 gang are excellent as well, all being wonderful wits and nearly as lazy as me when it comes to w**k...

I have a history when it comes to this BNP/NF/Anti-Nazi subject and whilst I still feel very strongly I can see the point kris is making.

Well done on Soap attack, great fun!

May pop along to R4 later if anyone is around? I'm buying...

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