This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

hi you lovely fellow cahooters !

Post 361

Doctor Strangegloves

Well, I'm back on the boards as Dr. Strangegloves - wonder how long that will last?

I’d suggest that we don’t refer again to h2g2 on the board, then Johnston won’t be able to access it. Until PP mentioned it I didn’t know it was there – although obviously, it enabled me to join in all the plotting.

I seem to have missed a lot yesterday – couldn’t find the threads referred to – it didn’t descend into another homo-bashing sesh did it?

For reference – on the boards I am now:
Dr. Strangegloves – normally.
Tango Man
And A.N. other…not on 5 live yet though…in development…

Brad – I’ve found the only way to avoid getting Ids confused is to log off after each posting. Irritating but necessary if there are to be no more naused up

hi you lovely fellow cahooters !

Post 362

Doctor Strangegloves

what happened there then?

hi you lovely fellow cahooters !

Post 363


Mornin' All

Doc what's &#8230?

hi you lovely fellow cahooters !

Post 364

Doctor Strangegloves

Oh well, I'm off to the dentists. Harummphh.

hi you lovely fellow cahooters !

Post 365


stay away from those amalgum fillings ...(mercury vapour is released into the cranial cavity over a period of years)

hi you lovely fellow cahooters !

Post 366

kri stickle mass

hi brad, are you bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning sunshine ??

smiley - hugkrissmiley - rose

hi you lovely fellow cahooters !

Post 367

kri stickle mass

just in case this gets missed from previous page, this is what the doctor is incoherently replying too smiley - boing DOC DOC - TAKE YOUR GLOVES OFF FOR GAWD'S SAKE !!

//i am back and having finished reading the strand here wonder why you think ij might be too thick to find us (he is bound to be reading this at some point (hi ian - you sneaky :-p!!) so he probably knows who we are from revealing our identites here or something like that.

i vote that we should get new i.d.'s or resurrect an old little used one, then not tell each other who we are till we have spent a few days setting something up, somewhere other than the "and finally" board. we can use here to direct each other to the right board when we are ready and already have the victim hooked. we could even execute a double bluff with the use of two i.ds. one not revealed till the tease is done and dusted. or am i just too sneaky? //

kris smiley - rose

hi you lovely fellow cahooters !

Post 368


crafty ol' devil you

I had an idea (just an idea) of everyone logging in for a full day (maybe Friday) as a camp VIctoriana fictional character


Dr Jekyll, Sherlock Homos (camp detective...mine!), Dorian Grey, Oliver Twit....etc what ya think?

Kris someone keeps sending me love poetry...see for Brad on my the risk of finding out the shoe size of my mouth it's not you is it?

Grumpy Bar Steward

Post 369

Pat Pending

Morning All,

Anyone else in a very bad mood for no readily apparent reason? Just me then. I'll get me coat and return when I'm less bl**dy angry. Urgh. .

Grumpy Bar Steward

Post 370


Morning Simon

Calm down and remember those happy days when you were Pat Pending, famous market stall holder.

smiley - cheers

Evelyn Waugh

That's better

Post 371

Pat Pending

Thanks Evelyn. Have calmed down now, largely thanks to the magic of swearing very loudly.

How are things in Reading?

That's better

Post 372


Reading's cold, sunny, usual, you know.

Who is it who comes down here to watch the Reading Royals play? I'm sure I saw some postings recently on the subject.

I used to go and see them at their old ground (Elm Park) right back from the mid seventies but I still haven't been to the Madjeski Stadium yet. I'm afraid if I start going again their winning streak will disappear smiley - doh. Premiership here we come!!

smiley - cheers


That's better

Post 373

Pat Pending

That'll be me: I've got a mate who lives very near the old ground and when West ham aren't at home I go to see the Royals play.

That's better

Post 374


I always had two teams I supported. Reading (obviously) who used to spend most of their time in the old third division. And West Ham because they were in the old first division, because my dad was born near the ground and because they supplied the best members of the 1966 England team (1966 was about the time I started following football teams)

I probably shouldn't mention this, but did you see the West Ham/Reading preseason friendly? smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers

That's better

Post 375

Pat Pending

You're right: you probably shouldn't have mentioned it. Still, football was the winner, and on present form (Reading not a million miles from passing West Ham on the way down) it was probably the right result.

The Mad Stad is a fantastic place: but I wish they'd sort out the transport. I go by bus (laid on by the Rose & Thistle on Argyle Road, the pub near the old ground where we drink before the game) and it just takes too long to get out of there by public transport: there should be an advantage to travelling by public transport, else everyone will just pile into their cars. There isn't, so they do.

That's better

Post 376

Doctor Strangegloves

I've got two teams as well, PL - Blackpool (sadly they will always be my main team - what did I do in a previous life?) and Blackburn. Living in Yorkshire as I do, this sometimes presents a problem.

That's better

Post 377

Pat Pending

Welcome back Dr S: you and TM are going to get me put back in pre-mod again, and I doubt I'll be able to wheddle my way out this time. Still, let's see how abusive we can be about each other's credentials & intelligence (Today's News> National Lotto Shame for any observers) before we get pulled. Game on. Does Jennie have anything to say on this subject?

That's better

Post 378

Doctor Strangegloves

Yes, that "one-legged hichback" comment originally read "black lesbian on the council", but strangely they rejected it.

That's better

Post 379


HI Pat and Dr

is Kim Deely anyone...she can't be real?

That's better

Post 380

Pat Pending

I suspect Deeley is Kris: remember, she suggested new secret identities. No evidence though.

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