This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Sunday afternoon

Post 8321

Ali Dubya

Hazel - munchkin.

Yes, she is and she is much nicer than the rest.

Goodie! Can you tell me when you and your friends want to play and I'll zing over and start the game.


Sunday afternoon

Post 8322


Ali (petal). I'm glad you like cats as well. I have 3 cats at the moment, but 2 of them were an accident. 1 cat is enough, I think.

I will certainly try to find you when there are a few people around MC-H looking for a game,

Legers - MC-H is a BBC MB (fullname Morning Crescent - Hurrah) for people who like to play silly games. the game comes from a radio4 pgm called I'm Sorry I haven't a Clue. Take a look & see if it's your sort of thing.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8323


Thats sounds interesting. Where can I take a look at it?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8324


if that doesn't work then just go to the main bbcsite, and you;ll find it under messageboards, radio4.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8325


Ali - goodnight petal.

smiley - angel

Sunday afternoon

Post 8326


Morning anybody

What's going on around here?? smiley - headhurts

It tried to start a game of the ever-popular Movie Buff's Hangman yesterday evening and after two hours of waiting breathlessly by my computer, I'd still had no response. So I went to bed.....

I read back through the thread this morning and it's as if you all said, "He's gone now, everyone. It's safe to come out to play!" smiley - steam

....And this morning - I'm on my own again smiley - wah

Anyway, I can't hang around here all day smiley - run

Ruby tuesday

Post 8327

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Mornin' all.

Peter, you are not alone. I have risen from my sick-bed to join in again! Anyone else about?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8328

Ali Dubya

Good night, Hazel (flower).

God, I dozed off in front of the PC last night.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8329

Ali Dubya


I started the game, and Hazel and Legers joined in too.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8330

Ali Dubya

Day 32:

Dear diary,

It's been 30 days now since I last saw or heard another human. All I hear are the sounds of the birds and breath of the wind. I have started having conversations with myself to ease the loneliness.

Still no sign of civilisation...

Sunday afternoon

Post 8331


Okay Ali (and anyone else who knows me)

To recap....the film is EIGHT LETTERS, it's ONE WORD, it is not a Venezuelan art film, there is NO A, it contains NO SYMBOLS, just ordinary, unaccented letters (clue!)

Please feel free to continue smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers

Tuesday afternoon

Post 8332

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Try launching a rescue flare. Someone may see it...

Sunday afternoon

Post 8333

Ali Dubya

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?

E for echo?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8334


A hit! A palpable hit!


Back to you, contestant...

Sunday afternoon

Post 8335


Hi Ali (fancy sleeping with your computer!), Peter , VMax, anyone else.

What did you do in the great Spam war this afternoon? I was very cross becos when I prodded-a-mod at first they told me the spammed msg. was OK!

Sunday afternoon

Post 8336


Is it EMANUELL? (Only joking)

Has it got any T' for toffee?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8337

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Hi Hazel,

We watched, agog, as the boards were spammed out of existence!



Sunday afternoon

Post 8338


Hazel - yes, it has a T for toffee


Max - no, there are no Rs

Sunday afternoon

Post 8339

Ali Dubya

Hello Hazel,

It's about the only thing on the planet that would tolerate sleeping with me.


Annoying, isn't it? I was all set for a game of Mongolian MC. I was armed with copy of the Ulan Bator A-Z and then, boom!, the boards imploded.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8340



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