This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Sunday afternoon

Post 8281

The Magster

Hello All smiley - smiley
Well this is it. Bags are packed, sun cream and shades are at the ready, children are tied up and placed in left luggage for next 2 weeks.
Try and be good and nice to one another whilst I am away and don't forget Lou, I want all the gossip when I get back smiley - biggrin

smiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - cheerssmiley - footprintssmiley - redwinesmiley - footprints
smiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprints the sand smiley - smiley

Sunday afternoon

Post 8282


Have a terrific holiday, Magster dear.

Don't think about us, just have a good time and come back with a deep tan and a damaged liversmiley - biggrin

smiley - lovesmiley - love

Sunday afternoon

Post 8283


good one Akira smiley - ok

Magster, have a wonderful time. Don't let the kids too far into the ocean and amek them wear sun tan. And don't forget to tan youself smiley - cool for some reason I think you'll look much more irresitable while being tanned smiley - winkeye

Sunday afternoon

Post 8284


Gossip??? Me??!!!! Never!

Have a good holiday Mags, catch you when you get back...I'm a genius BTW...anyone else do Test The Nation?!

Sunday afternoon

Post 8285


I did that stupid test and ended up with an apparent IQ of 140.

If I was that clever I'd not be living in a two-room flat with an empty bank account.......smiley - sadface

Sunday afternoon

Post 8286

Ali Dubya

I spy with my little eye, something beginning with 'L'.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8287



Sunday afternoon

Post 8288

Ali Dubya

Peter, that IQ of yours has served you well.

CORRECT! There's one walking around my garden as I speak!

Your go. How about movie hangman instead?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8289

Ali Dubya

Wahey! This is from FLN and says what many of us can't be bothered to say:

re: Another journalist dead Numm Petit - 24th post - 5 May 2003 17:26
Are you one of those nutters who stands on a soapbox in Hyde Park on Sunday mornings and rants at passers-by? You sound like one.

Give it up. You've heard most of the arguments against your position and ignored them.

And that's your problem, not Bettyfjord's. Stop being so obnoxious. [reply] [Alert A Moderator]

Sunday afternoon

Post 8290


Okay, Alistair - Film Buff's Hangman smiley - tongueout

-------- (in other words, one word; eight letters)

PS I thought you were listening to the White Stripes album, not looking at your garden....

smiley - biggrin

Sunday afternoon

Post 8291

Ali Dubya

A for apple.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8292

Ali Dubya


A for apple.

Can you do the symbols?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8293

Ali Dubya

Oops. Didn't mean to do it twice.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8294


Hello Ali. Has Peter started a game and run away? If it's a film, it's probably foreign by some-one I've never heard of smiley - smiley.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8295

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Ev'ning Hazel and Ali,

I reckon his film is Glad E 8 or.

Today I am mostlysunburned smiley - blush

Sunday afternoon

Post 8296


Hello everyone

Sunday afternoon

Post 8297


Hello CG - what's all the Bank Holiday Gossip then? Today, I have been mostly eating - Chicken!

Sunday afternoon

Post 8298


Hello legers, what have you been up to?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8299


Hi all,

Peter - I did that IQ thinghy last night also and got my son to mark it, and apparently I have an IQ of 137. Is that good?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8300

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Hello Legers smiley - rainbow

There is no Bank Hol goss. I have just been lying in the garden toasting to a delicate shade of lobster reading a book about Boudicca.

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