This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8221

Ali Dubya

You're scared silly of me (go on, nod), Lou.

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8222

Pat Pending

I fear no man........women, however, now that's a different matter.
Night everyone.

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8223


Evening Hazel...worry not, Big Brother starts in a few weeks!

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8224

Pat Pending

Just a PS to say 'Hello' (and than 'goodbye') to our resident Tele-Addict, wysiwyger. Noel Edmonds would be proud of you.

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8225

Ali Dubya

Good evening Hazel (my syrup of figs).

I am disappointed and just a little shocked that you are watching such bilge.

L hope Tuffers wins.

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8226


Noel Edmonds? I have never sunk so low as to watch that smiley - smiley.

Big brother - I do have to admit to. I may try not to, this time though.

So - what high-minded pursuits are you all up to?

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8227

Ali Dubya

I'm just in the process of porving the existence of God before heading off to bed.

And eating a bowl of Cinnamon Grahams.

Et tu?

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8228

The Magster

Boo Alistair...and good evening to everyone else smiley - smiley
Celebrity was boring tonight, I was so hoping fash would fall off the bridge. Not much bitching either. Phil Tufnell still rocks and BB4 starts just after I get back from my hols. The last two years I have missed 2 weeks of it, this year I am in for the duration. And I don't care...I love BB.

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8229


I just hit the wrong key & lost my post!

Anway, I am half reading the paper (guardian - Asylm seekers) and drinking a glass of smiley - ale.

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8230


Magster - I expect you have scared Ali off now! Poor pet lamb!

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8231

The Magster

Ali...good picture following my request this afternoon. Big boy smiley - biggrinsmiley - winkeye

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8232

The Magster

Hazel, I have no idea why I scare him so. I used to be a rottweiller but I am quite mellow now smiley - zen

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8233

Pat Pending

Bloody w**k: finally finished. Time for home then bed, then bloody early rise. Catch y'all tomorrow afternoon.

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8234


And I'm just a fluffy little kitten! Ok, with claws.

Been very quiet again today - I was out myself but there wasn't much to catch up on.

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8235

The Magster

Pat, give yourself a break's a smiley - hug

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8236

Pat Pending


We're keeping our powder dry.

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8237


Well, Pat, I don't use it myself, but I understand face-powder doesn't work well when soggy smiley - smiley

And what are you doing at W**k at this time?

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8238

Pat Pending

Morning everyone.

See you this afternoon. In the meantime, be good, be kind to animals, don't eat the green bits of tomatoes, and walk slowly & drink lots of water.

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8239

The Magster

Good morning PP , BOO to Alistair and 'ello to everyone elsesmiley - smiley
PP if you are full of water my guess is you will be running for the loo all daysmiley - smiley

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8240

Ali Dubya

Hello everyone.

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