This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Ian's ring?

Post 8261

The Magster

Evening Lou, smiley - kisssmiley - hug for Lew.
Said I would find out who the mole was Lou!'s OK, I was joking...d'oh smiley - biggrin
Lou, don't forget to destroy all the evidence before you go away fro the weekend smiley - winkeye

Ian's ring?

Post 8262


Evidence...evidence???? What bloody evidence...Magster are you pi**ed??!!smiley - laugh I've just been told I'm not going anyway...YIKES!

Put your messenger on, I have some news for you... sensible toosmiley - smiley

Ian's ring?

Post 8263

Ali Dubya

Mags, the only thing I mentioned to Chopsy was your fondness for..., this is a family message board.

Ian's ring?

Post 8264

The Magster

Go on Ali, it's after the watershed now, they should be in bed smiley - biggrin

Ian's ring?

Post 8265

Ali Dubya

Onken mousse?

smiley - biggrin

Ian's ring?

Post 8266

The Magster


Ian's ring?

Post 8267

Ali Dubya

Have you never had Onken mousse before?

Good God, girl, you haven't lived...

Ian's ring?

Post 8268

The Magster

Well go on then Ali, educate me

Ian's ring?

Post 8269

Ali Dubya

It's flavoured mousse with, this is the best bit, with a layer of cream at the bottom.


Ian's ring?

Post 8270

The Magster

Don't like mousse and I am not over keen on cream. Where do we go from here?

Ian's ring?

Post 8271


hello you naughty two - on a rare visit to this very sizeable thread.

ALIDUBS!!how come you havent written you fickle fella. wendy was right and i might just become a lesbian and go and join the muslim womens wendy lesbian liberations bra burning brigade alidubs !!!!!!!!! get in touch - spend your pennies and call me on a land line smiley - tongueout proooooooove you still care.

i am going offline in order to discipline myself into doing something really serious and worth while - it starts monday (i have had to turn myself off, disconnect, send the frippin modem back etc i am boo hooing to myself about it all but ne mind about that eh smiley - sadface

i did have so much fun with all of you - i want to say my thanks. great big ones. smiley - hug

i dont know what is going to happen next but will pop by if anyone is interested and tell anything interesting if dial up is not too excruciating

keep yur pecker up and your doors wide open

peace and love


Ian's ring?

Post 8272

Ali Dubya

A piece of cheese and an apple?

Ian's ring?

Post 8273


smiley - coolerrrrrrrr.... is "bottom" the operative word ali? (big smooch, big happy excited (in a juvenile prepubescent fashion) hug

sounds trurly calorific!!!
no probs for a rugger bugger

Ian's ring?

Post 8274

The Magster

That sounds lovely Ali, a large slab of port salut, my favourite and some red grapes rather than the apple smiley - biggrin
Hello Kris by the way, dial up connections are the pits smiley - sadface I appreciate the sentiment of having a life beyond the pc though smiley - smiley That's why I don't spend all day on here!

Ian's ring?

Post 8275


knowing the subtlety of this medium and its effects if perceived wrongly, i just want to make sure that no one thinks i am being horrible here. i meant what i said in fun but rereading it can see that it could be percieved as really bitchy -it was never meant that way.

email me alidubs yer darlin

love and hugs to the wonderful ones

smiley - love kris

Ian's ring?

Post 8276

The Magster

Kris, I think we are Ok on this one, well at least I am. Can't speak for the silent one though. I scare him apparently, cannot for the life of me think why smiley - zen

Late Friday

Post 8277

The Magster

Ali, just thought I would let you know that it's OK, I forgive you. Lou is actually very circumspect despite her name and didn't give you away smiley - smiley Are you playing tomorrow, weather permitting?

Late Friday

Post 8278

The Magster

I'll continue to talk with myself (smiley - wah) and say goodnight all. Sweet dreams and have a good weekend.

Ian's ring?

Post 8279

Ali Dubya

Hi Kris,

I'm terrible, aren't I? I'll give you a shout on Monday morning. Is that okay?

Hope you are hunky dory.

Who won our bet, by the way?

Late Friday

Post 8280

Ali Dubya

Hello Magster.

Don't worry; I talk to myself all the time. It doesn't mean that no one loves you, but an indication that everyone is either (a) drunk or (c) getting drunk.

They'll all pour onto this board later, after the pubs have closed and start beating each other up, as per most Saturday nights on H2G2.

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