This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Sunday afternoon

Post 8301

Ali Dubya

Hello Hazel,

It's probably a 1952 Venezuelan art-house film called 'Hxhdwqzk'.

Hello CG.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8302


Ali - I SAW that film! Don't run away becos there's a few Girlies here. Tell us what Sporty things you have been doing this w/e!

Sunday afternoon

Post 8303

Ali Dubya


What sort of sport are you referring to? Sport or <wink) 'sport'?

Have you had a good, productive weekend?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8304


Well, Ali, er, what ever kind of Sport you have been enjoying smiley - smiley.

I have not been Productive in the sense of gainful enployment or enriching the World by devising a cure for cancer or anything. But I have had some fun and eaten a lot of chicken! How about you?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8305


Wysiwiger, I've been just monkeying around

and Scarlet, you make me jealous. I just might have to take away that lobster of yours smiley - biggrin

Sunday afternoon

Post 8306

Ali Dubya


You have eaten a lot of chicken? Well, bank holidays are the perfect time to eat a lot of chicken. I hope it was nicely cooked chicken.

Guess what? I played, yes, cri**et! Wahey! And it was bloody freezing on Saturday!

You're a huge fan of sport, aren't you? You know who Gazza is and everything...

Sunday afternoon

Post 8307

Ali Dubya

And a very good evening to you, Legers. Have you played any sport or eaten a lot of chicken?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8308


Ali - it was beautifully cooked BBQ chicken - which is not easy to find. Nice & charred and crispy outside, jiucy inside. Which is why I ate so much of it!

As you rightly understand, I don't understand why so many people enjoy watching other people getting all sweaty running around/throwing/kicking various balls/bats/other people into/over/under nets/poles/posts.

But apart from that I'm really very tolerant!

Sunday afternoon

Post 8309

Ali Dubya

Fair enough: by the same token, I can't see why women go all gooey over George Clooney. Taste is a personal thing.

How come you had a BBQ? It's been freezing down here today - and on Saturday. Do you live in the Bahamas or summat? Or are you just slightly bonkers?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8310


Ali, at this point all the sport I do is running up the escalator of the subway
Also, BBQ in the winter is an incredible idea, sometimes its good to be unusual

Sunday afternoon

Post 8311


Dear Ali,

a). I live in London, where it has been hot!

b). I don't fancy George Clooney. Although I do like his politics.

c). No. I am Very bonkers.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8312

Ali Dubya

Dear Hazel,

1) In Hampshire it has not been hot;

2) I don't know Mr Clooney's politics but he has a really deep voice;

d) We used to have a spaniel called Bonkers. Is that a coincidence or what?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8313


FAO Mr. W.

2.1.1. That is obviously a Cool place tp live (Geddit!!!!!)

iv> He is one of the few Holy-Wode stars to speak against the W**

addendum: No. I am not a Dog person.

yrs etc.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8314

Ali Dubya

To Ms Hazel,

3) Yes, it's cool but there are a lot of trees and stuff.

1) Mr Clooney is evidently a man of impeccable taste and great social awareness.

9a) I am sorry to hear that. Dogs are nice creatures (apart from the small, yappy ones).

PS: I have not been drinking; I am always like this. Please excuse my funny turns.

PPSSS: How did I do in our recent spontaneous game of MC on AF?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8315


Ali (pet- seeing as we are back on 1st-name terms),

the MC game on af was great fun - you aquitted (?sp) yourself admirably. I was really surprised it wasn't modded - as far as I know it stayed on. I have been a bit p***ed off with MC since they changed our colour - it was cool that they joined in with the rescue of the Hurrah! but a pain that they refuse to talk about the other changes,

However - I'll still be posting because there aren't many other places to just be silly!

ps About Dogs. I have sometimes met dogs that I like. But I wouldn't like to live with one!

Sunday afternoon

Post 8316


Dogs are an incredible creatures. If you aren't a dog person that is just terrible

Sunday afternoon

Post 8317

Ali Dubya

Hazel, my little crab apple,

Thankfully, Anna forgave me and invited me over to MC-H for a drink. I couldn't make it because I'm socially awkward and hate drinks parties.

I now have the confidence to return to MC-H. How about a game of Russian MC?

I think the mods hate me (apart from Helen), so I'll have to behave myself for a while.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8318

Ali Dubya

I like cats as well.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8319


Legers - Lions, Tigers, Elephants, Skunks and Beavers etc. are also wonderful creatures. The Fact that I don't want to live with them does not make me a Bad person.

Ali, (my pet) - yes of course you must come & play on MC-H. And why not Russia? As long as we can find an on-line map it will work! I don't know Helen - is she a 5Live Host?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8320


I do appologize for my behavior. Got little carried away

I'm a little behind, but what is MC-H? And if you plan to travel to russia, DON"T DO THAT. its a terrible place.

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