This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Sunday afternoon

Post 8341

Ali Dubya

Is it...


Sunday afternoon

Post 8342


Peter! PETER! Ali's trying to cheat! First of all he tries to make us feel sorry for him, then he just pushes me out of the way & pretends he got there first! Just becos he's sporty and I'm not. 'Snot FAIR!

Sunday afternoon

Post 8343



It is indeed Existenz - or more correctly 'eXistenZ'

Made in 1999 by David Cronenberg and starring Jude Law, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Ian Holm and Willem Dafoe.

Yes, I know, far too easy.

It was very close, but I give first prize to Hazel, mainly because she is far prettier than Alistair but also, to a lesser extent, because she got the answer first

Your go, H

smiley - cheers

Sunday afternoon

Post 8344

Ali Dubya


Hazel's trying to wangle her way into your good books by saying how horrid and nasty I am. Just because she's a girl she thinks she should win.

I win. I win. Nurnurnurnurnurnur.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8345


Thank you Peter. And smiley - nahnah to Ali!

Ok. This is also one word, 7 letters.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Sunday afternoon

Post 8346


Any more of this ridiculous display of petulance from you, master Alistair, and you won't get that copy of the nice new Harry Potter book that I've ordered for you smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

Sunday afternoon

Post 8347

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Now you just sound like ian johnston...

Sunday afternoon

Post 8348


B for Blenheim

(Sorry, I'm reading a book of famous eighteenth century battles at the moment and these things do tend to stick in one's mind so)

Sunday afternoon

Post 8349

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


I'll have an E please...

Sunday afternoon

Post 8350


No B. One E.

- - - - E - -

Tuesday, tea time

Post 8351


L for leather

Sunday afternoon

Post 8352

Ali Dubya

A for Alistair?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8353

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Sunday afternoon

Post 8354

Ali Dubya

Hold on: one at a time.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8355

Pat Pending

R for Mo?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8356


No L and no A.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8357

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Doesn't CG normally use that line...?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8358


(Sorry for slow response - my modem running like treacle at the moment).

1 S and 2 R

R- - - ERS

Fingers on buzzers now!

Sunday afternoon

Post 8359

Pat Pending

T for 2?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8360

Pat Pending

Ringers, Rodgers, Runners, Rompers?

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