This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Sunday afternoon

Post 8381


Yes - I've seen you playing with your johnston, vmax. Not a pretty sight. ij, that is.

Yes - Peter is right and it's well worth seeing if you like reggae. If you don't, then it's a load of old pants!

See you all later,


Sunday afternoon

Post 8382

Ali Dubya


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Sunday afternoon

Post 8383

Pat Pending

Alistair: Bendle will have to wait until tomorrow (Transco are threatening to go to the Magistrates' if I don't let them in at 5.00). Good luck with your turn (although I don't see why it's yours not mine: time for another 'humph'?).

Tomorrow peeps.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8384

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

T, H, E, O & F...

Sunday afternoon

Post 8385

Ali Dubya


Sunday afternoon

Post 8386

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

smiley - whistle

Sunday afternoon

Post 8387

Ali Dubya


Sunday afternoon

Post 8388

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Fill in the blanks then...

Sunday afternoon

Post 8389

Ali Dubya

I've forgotten the answer.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8390

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Sunday afternoon

Post 8391

Ali Dubya

V Max,

The answer is 'Spiderman'.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8392

bowl of petunias

Mind if I ask you guys a question? sort of a sociological thing.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8393


Hello Olex

I seem to be the only one left here at the moment smiley - smiley

What can I do for you?


Sunday afternoon

Post 8394

bowl of petunias

Thanks Peter.
I just finished having my lunch break about an hour ago and as I strolled down the street I noticed that there was a homeless person and in giving him some change he said that it was a symbol and he thanked me extremely warmly and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He didn't seem mentally unstable just a really pleasant person. I'm just wondering if it's the same in other places other than Canada. How are the homeless around where you are?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8395


Um...interesting question.

I live in a town called Reading which is about 35 miles west of London and is a fast growing area based mainly on computer software and insurance. The speed of this growth has resulted in a increasing divide between the well off and the poor; a divide that has led to a breakdown in understanding and, to a certain extent, compassion.

Many people would also say that we "suffer" to some extent from an influx of "asylum seekers", mainly East Europeans and Asians, who are conceived as being a constant presence in the streets.

This has lead to a nasty atmosphere at times between an element of the local population and those less fortunate. The homeless tend, therefore, to be pretty guarded in their responses.

Don't get the idea that there is open warfare on the streets of Reading, it's just that the homeless are thought of locally as a threat and a danger to the status quo and belong somewhere else.

But they are, if one takes the time to stop and chat, quite ordinary people in troubled circumstances and I think there are far more disturbed people working in the offices than living on the streets!

Sunday afternoon

Post 8396

bowl of petunias

Very well put. I agree wholeheartedly.
Talking to the people is very important. Even if you give them a bit of change yet completely ignore them it continues the feeling of being ignored. It is very interesting to sit and talk to them. I usually shy away from giving them money, I usually talk a bit or buy food rather than money. I give my money more readily to organisations.
you've still got to be on your guard. The homeless are by no means regarded as a non threat here and I definitely am not one to wander into a dark alleyway alone with any stranger. My city has also grown very quickly from the high tech industry. I live on the outskirts of Ottawa but I come in to work down town. I like the area I live in but recently development has created this housing industry where one day *pouf* a field is gone and you have 25 identical houses. Problem is that none of these houses are affordable for the less fortunate. The homeless are mainly in the downtown core. And even so we don't have nearly the problem that Toronto does.
Thanks for the answer, very interesting.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8397

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Hello Peter - I am here too - feeling a bit weary!

Have not read all threads today - the spammer has been throwing spanners in the works on all MBs today it seems.

What did you think about Al Pacino getting the no 1 spot last night?

smiley - fairy

Sunday afternoon

Post 8398

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Hello Petunia or Olex,

What intrigues me is how you stumbled upon the Is this... convo!

Bodes well I think...or maybe not...!

smiley - fairy

Sunday afternoon

Post 8399

bowl of petunias

I stumble on all this completely by accident...well actually...I blame Douglas Adams. I entered a search for sites on hitchhiker and found this one. I read the tour and signed up. As for this convo well...I saw it on the top 5 most answered section , read a couple and you people seem pretty cool so here goes nothing. this is the first and only discussion group I'm signed up for. kinda cool I think. Where are you from?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8400


Al Pacino? He de MAN!

These lists are always a load of old doo-doo, though, aren't they? I shouldn't complain too much....After all, I did vote in it!

I voted for Jean-Paul Belmondo, Burt Lancaster and Lauren Bacall...

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