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VM & ij: the missing link discovered

Post 8441

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Funnily enough, the old 5Live F1 board *was* *indeed* where I 1st crossed swords with mr johnston. In typically well informed style, he referred to Michael Schumacher as "just an average driver". smiley - tit

VM & ij: the missing link discovered

Post 8442

Ali Dubya

Whoa...a hyperdyperlinkie thingy...

VM & ij: the missing link discovered

Post 8443

Ali Dubya

Hmm, I see he had his finger on the pulse then, too.

VM & ij: the missing link discovered

Post 8444

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

He seems to be a big Coulthard fan. Fair enough. Someone's got to be.

I was a big fan of Johnny Herbert, and met him a while back. He was very uncomplimentary about Nigel Mansell !

VM & ij: the missing link discovered

Post 8445

Ali Dubya

So now we know how to annoy him: diss Coulthard.

VM & ij: the missing link discovered

Post 8446

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

smiley - biggrin

VM & ij: the missing link discovered

Post 8447

bowl of petunias

Since this is my Wednesday morning I'll make a contribution:
Famous Canadian for the day--Jacque Villeneuve.
good morning everybody.smiley - biggrin

VM & ij: the missing link invented, more like...

Post 8448

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Good morning BoP,

Paul here, in Essex, S.E. England. The sun is shining and it's a beautiful day. I share my home office with many cats, and my daft ginger tom is purring away next to me.

Not a J Villeneuve fan particularly, although I'll concede that he's a famous Canadian. But why not pick Gilles?

VM & ij: the missing link invented, more like...

Post 8449

Pat Pending

Presumably because so far we've limited ourselves to live Canadians?

Hi BoP: to give you a bit more background, V Max's cats are called Ian, Johnston, Pooter and Dickie.

VM & ij: the missing link invented, more like...

Post 8450

bowl of petunias

Cats are wonderfull creatures.
Hmmm...I'll be honest I really don't know all that much on the matter. I was mainly just keeping up with the banter. First lame move for Bowl of Petunias...Sorry! The work I do might as well be done from homw because it includes me basically doing nothing. I could be doing a much more constructive nothin at home.

VM & ij: the missing link invented, more like...

Post 8451

Pat Pending

BoP: knowledge of the subject under discussion is absolutely NOT a pre-requisite for posting on this thread.

VM & ij: the missing link invented, more like...

Post 8452

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Firstly, my cats are not called by any of those names! Pat's being an @rse!

Secondly, a knowledge of what you're talking about is probably a disadvantage here 90% of the time, as we tend to talk rubbish.

VM & ij: the missing link invented, more like...

Post 8453

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Limit yourself to live Canadians if you must, but I'll include dead legends if it's OK? Or are you going to do an Ian on me, and call Gilles Villeneuve "an average driver"?

smiley - biggrin

VM & ij: the missing link invented, more like...

Post 8454

Pat Pending

Quite a long way below average nowadays. smiley - run

VM & ij: the missing link invented, more like...

Post 8455

bowl of petunias

talking rubish is the only way to go.
glad to see that this conversation is heading in no direction at all.smiley - smiley
As for cats names If I get one of my own I think I'll call it "El fambra"--the rug, in spanish

VM & ij: the missing link invented, more like...

Post 8456

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


My cats are:

Jakey-Jake, smiley - blackcat
Big Fat Bobcat, smiley - blackcat
Cleocatra, smiley - blackcat
and, last but by no means least,
Mister Paddy Paws. smiley - cat

Or Jake, Bobby, Cleo and Paddy, as the vet knows them! All rescue cats.

VM & ij: the missing link invented, more like...

Post 8457

ian johnston

v cats are called coulthard and mansell...and my dog is called pooter!

i am sorry tom hear you disagree with my analysis of mr a eurohappy i might expect you to be a big fan of the german!

VM & ij: the missing link invented, more like...

Post 8458

Pat Pending


Any doctors in the house?

VM & ij: the missing link invented, more like...

Post 8459

bowl of petunias

My family currently has one cat.
his name is Iago and happens to look like he's wearing chaps because he pulls out his own fur. either chaps or he just looks like a demented poodle. I managed to go and visit London last summer ...for 9 hours on a stop over last summer on my way to Ukraine. the only bit of London that I really got to see was a walk from Victoria station down to the Thames. And when my brother and I later saw James bond and we realized that we were there we were very excited. It's really just sad, the excitement is due to the fact that there is never ANYTHING filmed in Ottawa. *shiff*Sniff**tear*

VM & ij: the missing link invented, more like...

Post 8460

bowl of petunias

My family currently has one cat.
his name is Iago and happens to look like he's wearing chaps because he pulls out his own fur. either chaps or he just looks like a demented poodle. I managed to go and visit London last summer ...for 9 hours on a stop over last summer on my way to Ukraine. the only bit of London that I really got to see was a walk from Victoria station down to the Thames. And when my brother and I later saw James bond and we realized that we were there we were very excited. It's really just sad, the excitement is due to the fact that there is never ANYTHING filmed in Ottawa. *shiff*Sniff**tear*So if I return what should I go see?

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