This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

FAME at last

Post 8421

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

I just knew that Dubya wasn't paying full attention to the drivel we were exchanging!

Hazel you are .... the other woman!

FAME at last

Post 8422


Oh - am I? Other than who(m)? Sounds exciting, anyway smiley - smiley

FAME at last

Post 8423

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

only joking - was posting in two places at once - I am rubbish at doing that - takes all the Chelsea Braincells to logon!

smiley - fairy

FAME at last

Post 8424


smiley - sigh That's a shame. I always wanted to be the Other Woman. And I don't think that getting onto Ymess would help!

p.s. I think Ali is Sleeping with his computer again!

FAME at last

Post 8425

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

No no Hazel - don't get me wrong - you ARE the other woman - or were - as I think he has taken to his bed now...and may be dreaming of...well, my innate discretion forbids.....

FAME at last

Post 8426


CG - you are a veritable stirrer! I expect that Bed is the best place for everyone now. Oh - I meant to say, sleep!

FAME at last

Post 8427

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

good point Hazel - I'll go then....well in a bit - still have half litre of daily water intake to take in.... smiley - ill

FAME at last

Post 8428

bowl of petunias

Well I must say that I'm very impressed with the list of Canadians. Sutherlands are Canadian. If you guys are really interested in new Canadian music you should check out Sam Roberts. He's awesome. And this page definately deserves to be in the top five. I won't rest untill all of Canada is aware of its glory.

FAME at last

Post 8429

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Ohh nooooo! don't do that my little Canadian Fleur - it might alter the delicate balance!

smiley - fairy

FAME at last

Post 8430

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

What I meant was .... would the entire population of Canada fit in this thread!

Sam Roberts eh - will check him out ASAP smiley - biggrin!

I have a 19 year old daughter and we like the same music mostly - so I shall surprise her with Mr. Roberts - hope he's good!

smiley - fairy

FAME at last

Post 8431


Good morning everyone (or if you're in Canada; good night, sleep well)

Weather: lots

Vegetable of the day: yes please

Author of the day: Thomas Pynchon

Alcoholic beverage of the day: Cherry B

Famous Canadians not mentioned last night: Loudon Wainwright III and his son Rufus

Politician of the day: Disraeli

Film of the day: Princess Mononoke

Day of the day: Wednesday

smiley - cheers

FAME at last

Post 8432

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Mornin' all,

Especially our Canadian friend. smiley - smiley

Fruit of the day is the tomato.

Battle of the day is Tsushima (1905) - read about this one if you get the time!

Garment of the week is the knitted hat. Stylish yet practical.

My favourite Leonard Cohen song is..........

Post 8433

Pat Pending


Did any of you R4 bods hear 'Arthur Smith sings leonard Cohen'? Very funny.

Hazel Clarke: get on Messenger.

FAME at last

Post 8434


Good morning everybody!smiley - smiley

No breakfast, vegetables or fruit as yet.

V can a knitted hat be practical in May?

FAME at last

Post 8435

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


If it's hot, wear a loose weave woolen hat. If it's wet, spray the hat with WD40 and it's waterproof!

FAME at last

Post 8436

Ali Dubya

Hazel (flower)/Chelsea,

How do I know that I am not the 'other man'? In my case, I spent so much time with my women that I eventually couldn't take the pace and crashed out on top of my keyboard.

Hazel - what does J-Lo? She sounds like she could be a WWF wrestler.

Good morning Canada (plus everyone else, including Pat).

Hampshire is beautiful this morning.

FAME at last

Post 8437


Sleeping with your PC again Alistair?...I worry for you sometimes!smiley - smiley

FAME at last

Post 8438

Ali Dubya


At least the PC doesn't complain.

smiley - run

VM & ij: the missing link discovered

Post 8439

Pat Pending

I've found the missing link between VM & ij. Yesterday VM referred to 'playing with my johnston': he claimed a typo, we all know it was Freudian.

The link is, they're both petrolheads: see the 'Coulthard' thread on FLS (in which there appears this delicious snippet from godcallsme: " YOUR knowledge of motor sport is not vast. but we have come to expect the same performace as coulthard shows on the track, as you do on these boards").

VM & ij: the missing link discovered

Post 8440

Ali Dubya

Fantastic. He's an F1 fan, then?

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