This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Sunday afternoon

Post 8361

Pat Pending

Rotters? Rampers? Rinkers? Rankers?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8362


All of those things sound like fun Pat, but are not the film! No T for you, either.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8363

Pat Pending

Rollers? Rockers? Rangers? Rumpers?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8364

Ali Dubya


Sunday afternoon

Post 8365

Pat Pending

Knickers? Knackers? Knockers?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8366

Ali Dubya

This is a Peruvian art-house film, isn't it, Hazel?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8367

Pat Pending

Damn: I thought it was an early Greenaway short.

Gil Scott-heron: what a man.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8368


No it's not arty. By accident Pat has got the right answer somewhere up there in his ramblings. But I'm not awarding any prizes until some-one gives me the answer by itself and says something else to prove they know what the film is about! (firm but fair).

Sunday afternoon

Post 8369

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

B ?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8370

Pat Pending

That's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo unfair! Special rules apply to me so that I have to show my workings do they? Did Peter demand that you explain how you got to Existenz? I don't think so.

Humphhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (and not the host of ISIHAC).

Be sure to let me know when I can play by the same rules as everyone else: I'll be the one sat in the corner pouting abd staring at my shoes.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8371


What a lot of tantrums today! It must be the warm weather


Made in 1978 by Ted Bafaloukos starring Richard Hall, Gregory Isaacs and loads of reggae artists

Sunday afternoon

Post 8372


Ok Pat - just give me your answer. And take this little white pill here smiley - smiley

And VMax (who is still playing Nicely) - no B for you.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8373

Ali Dubya

How did you get on at the weekend, Patrick?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8374


Thank you Peter. I didn't think it would be so difficult - it was re-released a couple of years ago and has loads of great reggae in it.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8375

Ali Dubya

Never heard of it. Was it directed by Hazel Wysiwyger, perchance?

Sunday afternoon

Post 8376

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Is Peter right? (I always play nicely, BTW, except when I play with my johnston).

Sunday afternoon

Post 8377

Pat Pending

Hazel: 'Rockers', by Ted Popadopolis or somesuch.

AW: played for the oppo cos they were short (feckin' amateurs), and was treated most unfairly. Not allowed to bat, and bowled 2-1-1-0. Took a steepler at long-on, but that was the highlight. Total pants.

What about you?

Gotta go to let the gas man in (fnarr fnarr): post your personal exploits here, and I'll catch up tomorrow.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8378

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Oooops, interesting typo there. That should have read "mr johnston", not "my johnston"!

Sunday afternoon

Post 8379

Ali Dubya

Pat, need you to post some pro-Bendle comments on TS.


And, Peter and Hazel, if you are prepared to join the Bendle Appreciation Society, your support would be appreciated.

Sunday afternoon

Post 8380


To avoid anymore childish tantrums, I relinquish my turn (as winner of the last game), to Alistair, before he throws his spaghetti hoops all over the carpet and stomps out into the garden to do things to the cat

Take it away Ali.....

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