This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Thursday am(just)

Post 8201


"Under blue moon I saw you
So soon you'll take me
Up in your arms, too late to beg you
Or cancel it, though I know it must be
The killing time
Unwillingly mine

Up against your will
Through the thick and thin
He will wait until
You give yourself to him"

Thursday am(just)

Post 8202

Pat Pending

Are Peter and Alistair's lyrics drifting to us over the ether from Radio Luxembourg?

I think so. In which case:


Thursday am(just)

Post 8203


LOL!!!smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

Thursday am(just)

Post 8204

Pat Pending

Thank you: and for my next gag................Take my mother-in-law. I wish someone would.

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8205


I wish you did have a gag!

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8206

Pat Pending

Why? What would you want me to do with it, you perv?

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8207


Wear it!!?? Stupid question, are you ian johnston in disguise?

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8208

Pat Pending

No, I'm not.

now, answer me when did you strat interrfferring with kitteens? No iffs no butts just answeer the uqstoien.

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8209

Ali Dubya

pat pen...i see the usual suspocks are upto theyre usual trucks.

bettyfojrd...any answers yet?

i thoughgrf not!

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8210

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

I am the usuil suspockt and pruod of it...

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8211

Pat Pending

v max..........i dont no why yuo aer proud!!!!!!! all these mulpi-tosters make live vrey trifficuld for those of us who wish to use theeese broads four there proper porpoise

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8212

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

mr/ms usuil yuo have lost the agument and resortt to parridy.......i'm not wrong again sa yuo well now........the futures bright, teh futures orange.....

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8213


Evening all. Looks like I missed all the fun again! Oh well, only 3 more weeks and I'm on holiday for a week ...againsmiley - laugh is slow tonight, I might have to go a size bigger..yathink?smiley - winkeye

Bushwhack'd... since when did you like Echo and the Bunnymen?

Have a good holiday weekend everyone...I'm off to mum's... hoorah!smiley - cheers

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8214

Ali Dubya

Yikes! Another girl!

smiley - run

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8215


Hello everyone
What is everyone up to.

Ali, girl? where? smiley - cool

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8216

Ali Dubya

Hi Legers,

Chopsy popped in but I managed to scare her off.

I'm scared of girls, see; especially that Magster.

Howdydoody to you...

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8217

Pat Pending

Yup: you got rid of her all right!

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8218

Ali Dubya

I have that effect, Patrick.

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8219


Alistair! What do you mean afraid of you??!! I am afraid of nobody!smiley - smiley

Thursday pm(just)

Post 8220


Evening all. Well, the good news is that I'm NOT watching ER. The bad news is that I am watching the even sadder "I'm a celebrity...". There is no hope for me!

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