This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8141


Um...without getting all serious and film-buff-anoraky, Bergman actually did make a few comedies. They were back in the fifties, mind.

smiley - smiley

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8142


Tuesday a.m.

Post 8143


ow you are really a film-buff (but I would never call anyone an anorak. Well, maybe some people) - so naturally you have very quickly plumbed the depths of my ignorance smiley - boing

Still - at least it must have stopped you watching Sky movies!

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8144


Well put Hazel smiley - biggrin

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8145


I don't know what happened to the start of that post - first I shoot a blank (!) and then it misses off - "Peter - I kn"! Weird as MCH this pm!

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8146


I spend most of the day watching videos so I know a bit about the movies.

Go on ask me a question...go on, anything...

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8147


Alright, I'll let you off this time...

smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8148


I have seen some films which might be described as "arty" (no I don't mean the ones with CG and the Yak smiley - smiley.) I do like Picnic at Hanging Rock & The Third Wave, if these count!

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8149


I never liked the label "arthouse". It gets stuck on anything that has subtitles or hasn't got anyone well known in it..

Films are films; some are good, some are bad.

btw Picnic At Hanging Rock is excellent!

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8150


Anyhoo, time for bed said Zebedee.

Till tomorrow, H

smiley - cheers

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8151


hey everyone
Have any of you seen the American Pie I and II?
Those are some of the funniest movies I've ever seend

Wednesday a.m.

Post 8152


Mornin' All! Chipper?

Going a bit quite around here I note ..?

Wednesday a.m.

Post 8153


I can't be everywhere at once! smiley - biggrin

Wednesday a.m.

Post 8154


And another day dawns....

Reading: mild, sunny, slight breeze

Health: okay, but a bit tired after long typing day yesterday!

Outlook: Possibility of lunch round the local at about twelve thirty leading to unintelligable postings this afternoon

smiley - tongueout

Wednesday a.m.

Post 8155

The Magster

Morning Peter smiley - hug. Not speaking to Bushy because he doesn't know who I am smiley - sadface
Well another whizz morning at playgroup beckons. I do so love small children when I have a thumping headache. Wouldn't mind but it's not even alcohol induced.
I may be gone for some time..............

Wednesday a.m.

Post 8156

Ali Dubya

Morning all (especially Hazel),

Today, there is no weather, no vegetable, no weather girl and no breakfast cereal

I have no 80s' lyrics either.

Wednesday a.m.

Post 8157


NO WEATHER GIRL?? smiley - wah

Wednesday a.m.

Post 8158

Ali Dubya

Sorry, Peter. Helen was busy today and they offered me Fred Dinenage instead. Now, EVERYONE knows that Fred is not a weather girl, so they were obviously trying to fob me off.

I have been promised Isobel Lang tomorrow. And a large marrow. Watch this space. smiley - biggrin

Wednesday a.m.

Post 8159


What about Carl Tyler? What a pro!!

Wednesday a.m.

Post 8160


Hurrah, af. If you're quick!

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