This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8121

Ali Dubya


Telly is tedious, isn't it? I've decided that it would be fun to read about local government planning rules.

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8122


Hello Peter & Ali,
I was going to watch Little Britain on BBC3 - but it's the same one they've already had on twice.

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8123


Things are that bad I'm watching American Pie 2 on Sky smiley - tongueout

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8124


Oh, sorry.....evening 'azel

How's your day been?

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8125


I think we'll skip my day today smiley - smiley

And also - what's up with MCH? When I try to post, it tells me it's closed - this has been happening to other people on & off as well. Mind you - there doesn't seem to be any way of telling whether it's supposed to open or not at the moment!

Oh well "things can only get better".....

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8126


Good evening everybody!smiley - smiley

Just thought I'd drop by. The telly is useless and all this work is making me ill!smiley - erm

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8127


Just a minute....didn't the Labour Party say that?

Look what happened to them smiley - biggrin

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8128


Er...labour/ get better that is

Hey there LLB! smiley - love

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8129

Ali Dubya

Evening Hazel (my little pumpkin), Lou and Peter (again).

I'm still not watching telly and I don't feel like doing any work.

The boards close at 9pm but a couple of messages have sneaked through. Odd indeed.

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8130

Ali Dubya

Sorry, I mean w**k.

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8131


Hi Loulou - how's the job? How're the students??

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8132



By the way, can you email me your yahoo id please so I can add you to my list? (I have a little list....)

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8133


Hazel it's going fine thanks. Better day today, first days are just awfulsmiley - wah. The students are fine, my daughter goes to the school so I know loads of them anyway but to be honest I've been concentrating so hard I haven't noticed them too much! Oh my brain aches!

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8134


Loulou - just think how easy it will be by Friday! And how you'll apreciate the weekend smiley - redwinesmiley - bubbly!

Ali (pet) it would be better even to watch telly than read about Local Govt. Planning. That stuff will rot your brain.

Peter - I pass no comment on the film you are watching smiley - smiley

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8135


Can I just say in my defence that I watched two Ingmar Bergman films this afternoon?

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8136


Peter - in that case you probably need the light relief!

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8137


You don't know how right you are....Have you ever seen Persona or From The Life Of The Marionettes?

Not many laughs!

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8138

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

goodevening - have you recovered from this afternoon Peter?

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8139


Just about, cg. smiley - online2long

I think I finally sorted things out...

smiley - cheers

Tuesday a.m.

Post 8140


I haven't seen any of his films .. I just understand that he is supposed to be the master of deep, meaningful gloom!

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