This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Wednesday pm

Post 8181

Ali Dubya

Good evening, my fellow liege, Sir Legers.

Wednesday pm

Post 8182

The Magster

Dunno Ali, but he keeps being very assertive with me. Says he's a sailor or something. Don't worry, I'll punch his lights out if I have to smiley - smiley

Wednesday pm

Post 8183


Hello Ali (pet lamb),

Magster - Juicy Beatle is Beatle Juice and not at all aggressive - she is a she and was just playing!

Wednesday pm

Post 8184

The Magster

Is it the same person though?

Wednesday pm

Post 8185

The Magster

bed calls, good night all and sweet dreams.

Wednesday pm

Post 8186


Goodnight - yes same person! Look at the MC-H posts smiley - smiley

Wednesday pm

Post 8187


why of course Magster
Russians call it the White Gold. Frost covered vodka smiley - ok

And good night sir Ali. And as they say, don't let the beg bugs bite smiley - smiley

Wednesday pm

Post 8188


why of course Magster
Russians call it the White Gold. Frost covered vodka smiley - ok

And good night sir Ali. And as they say, don't let the bed bugs bite smiley - smiley

Wednesday pm

Post 8189


I appologize for the double posting, discovered a mistake too late

Wednesday pm

Post 8190

Ali Dubya

Morning all.

Wednesday pm

Post 8191


morning? you are confusing me Ali, its either too early or too late for me to think

Wednesday pm

Post 8192

Ali Dubya


It's after midnight so I can save time by saying good morning now rather than later.

Good idea, eh?

Listen to any Can?

Wednesday pm

Post 8193


Ali, that is practicly a new science discoverey that diserves a Grammy smiley - biggrin
As for the Can, I just saw an ad about them. It said that its a music for "out of this world people" so I got interested. Do you know what is it, and should I buy its CD?

Wednesday pm

Post 8194


Morning Campers!! smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

Come on, out of your beds - time for morning exercises

One two one two - that's it, now you've got it

One two one two - now the other eyelid

Today's activity is VOTING in your local council election. Remember, if you haven't voted against them, you can't complain about what they do....

smiley - cheers

Wednesday pm

Post 8195

Pat Pending

Morning everyone: busy day, catch you later.

Magster: as Hazel states, Juicy B, Juicy Bee, and Juicy Beetle are one and the same woman, and very pleasant too she is. She was only playing on AF, and is to be trusted.

Wednesday pm

Post 8196

Ali Dubya


I'll dig out a hyperdyperlinkie thing and post it here, so you can download some of their stuff. It's odd. Pat? Do you know/like Can?

Wednesday pm

Post 8197

Ali Dubya


Wet, windy and decidedly frisky; Cheerios; green beans; Isobel Lang (phworrr!).

"Good morning miss."

"Can I help you son?"

"Sixteen today and up for fun."

"I'm a big boy now or so they say, so if you'll serve me I'll be on my way."

Thursday am(just)

Post 8198


Mornin' All! Chipper?

Again, getting quieter isn't it? Let's lven the gaff up a bit then shall we?

Magster, JB is a bloke and said he wants to kick your rotten ass all over town!!

smiley - run

Thursday am(just)

Post 8199


I feel I must defend JBs honour, young man....

Juicy Bee is a very nice lady who lives in Brum and I have had the pleasure of her company for lunch recently.

So there! smiley - tongueout

smiley - cheers

Thursday am(just)

Post 8200


Naughty boys in nasty schools
Headmaster's breaking all the rules
Having fun and playing fools
Smashing up the woodwork tools

All the teachers in the pub
Passing round the ready rub
Trying not to think of when
The lunchtime bell will ring again

Oh what fun we had......

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