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Afternoon shift

Post 7901

Ali Dubya

Did you beat Penton? Just interested as they play our 2nd XI...

Afternoon shift

Post 7902


Chopsy, just don't drink to the point were you simply crawl into the interviewer's office. Though it would be an interesting thing to see. smiley - biggrin

For Alistair

Post 7903



I am beginning to think you are a bit of a tease. You ask about Alex Kingston - for no particluar reason, and now this Rachel woman...
I will admit to a partiality to Tony Soprano,but I have no idea why - he's not really my taste at all...........

LouLou - good luck with your new job! smiley - bubbly

For Alistair

Post 7904

Ali Dubya

Hell Hazel and good morning to our other readers,

I don't know why I asked about Alex Kingston; maybe I was just concerned for her wellbeing? The USA is a tough place for a young British actress to make her way in, and perhaps my paternal instincts were coming to the fore. Similarly, I have concerns for other young women such as Ms Stevens, Ms Minogue, Ms Helen Willetts and Mrs Sarnia.

(How deeply unconvincing is that?)

I am not aware of Mr Soprano as I am not an aficionado of the programme. I take it, from the soubriquet 'Soprano', that he is a gentleman of Italian extraction?

(And why am I writing in such an affected style?)


Post 7905

The Magster

Good morning Alistair and anyone else out there smiley - smiley

Alistair..Ms Kingston is a good deal older than you, why would you want to mother her....sure it shouldn't be smother her in kisses smiley - winkeye

It is Saturday, which means mega brunch in just over an hours time. Can I tempt anyone to bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, tomatoes, black pudding, mushrooms, baked beans and chips? And I wonder why I don't like moving on a Sat afternoonsmiley - smiley

Happy Saturday to all.

For Alistair

Post 7906

Ali Dubya

'Hell Hazel'


Sorry. This was meant to read, 'Darling, Hazel'.

Apologies for any confusion caused.


Post 7907

Ali Dubya

Hello Magster,

Older women are deeply appealing.

Blimey. Do you have this 'breakfast' every week? I hope you grill everything...


Post 7908

Ali Dubya


No fried bread?


Post 7909


Good morning all.

Magster I am worried about those chips, yes Alistair, fried bread sounds better to me!

Just been shopping for new "job clothes" ...what do science technicians wear under their white coats?smiley - erm Suggestions on a postcard please!

smiley - smiley


Post 7910

Ali Dubya

'what do science technicians wear under their white coats?'

Oh God, don't start me off...


Post 7911


Good morning, er, that should be good afternoon everyone,

Magster - am I too late for brunch? Can I have hash-browns instead of chips please, and extra fried bread? I hope you have red, brown and yellow sauce.

Alistair, you are forgiven for the Hell. And for the Darling.

LouLou - enjoy your shopping. Will you really get a wear a white coat at work?


Post 7912

The Magster

Hazel, sorry you were too late...all done and munched but I will remember you next Sat smiley - smiley

Alistair, so that you do not worry too much about my diet and cholesterol count, yes everything is grilled except the chips and therefore we don't do fried bread. The thinking behind this Saturday ritual which is now a family legend, is that you do a massive meal for just before noon and then you do not eat anything else again, well apart from a curry in the evening smiley - biggrin Naturally, the children always want something else but I don't. I cook it all now but when we lived in London there was a lovely cafe at the bottom of the road that did it all, just the way you wanted it, for £3.50. I was happy with that smiley - smiley

Chopsy, as advised, you need a Miss Jean Brodie style of dress because you don't want pimply teenage boys leching at you now. Just how many Mr Lou's are there you dirty bird? smiley - whistle


Post 7913


Hazel,'s white coats all round...loulou the scientist!!smiley - laugh

Magster I kid you not, there is only one Mr. Lou!!!


Post 7914


Alistair this is the cause of some debate..

Do we go for Jean Brodie style frocks? Why the Magster one would think I would wish to borrow any of her clothing is beyond me.smiley - run


Post 7915

Ali Dubya


No comment.

Has anyone ever seen the film The Bitch? The one which Joan Collins made famous for her 'minimalist' use of a fur coat?


Post 7916

Ali Dubya


When I say 'darling' I use the word ironically, and use it in the context of 'mwah mwah, daaaaaaahling" rather than "ello darling, fancy a bit of owsyerfather?"

I am sure you realised this, but in case there was any doubt I thought I would confirm this is the case.


Post 7917

Lew De Crow


Stop poncing, you know as well as me that you are going to wear those little white panties with red flowers under the white coat.Presumably you are going to buy a white bra, as I know you don't own one.


Post 7918

The Magster



Post 7919

The Magster

Now serious business for when you lot get back from enjoying yourselves. I have had a mail from the dementors this afternoon telling me that I must not engage in "quarrels" on FLN or they will pre-mod me. Has anyone else ever had a mail like that? Just because I got involved with blooming ij again. Mad me....only a tadge smiley - smiley


Post 7920


Yes Magster ROFL indeed!

Meet my... erm... ex-friend Lew!

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