This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Morning shift

Post 7861


Good morning all!

Nothing at all to report... but the day is young!

Morning shift

Post 7862

The Magster

Legers, if you had been a woman for as long as I have, you would know precisly what was wrong with men smiley - winkeye You obviously haven't read all the sexist, chauvenistic clap trap we gels have to take from the boys, both on here and on FLN and AF. We put up with though because we love you all smiley - lovesmiley - hugsmiley - kiss

Morning shift

Post 7863


Oh sure ... drop me an e-mail to [email protected]

Morning shift

Post 7864

Ani K

you sweetie bush!...thanks =)

Morning shift

Post 7865

Ali Dubya

Nonsense. Whenever we blokes make a slightly risque, impudent or critical remark, women immediately accuse us of chauvinism or sexism. That's because women are vain and thin-skinned.

(If I value my life, I'd better leg it. Now)

Morning shift

Post 7866

The Magster

Alistair, I am disappointed in you smiley - sadface

Morning shift

Post 7867

Pat Pending

smiley - run
"women are vain and thin-skinned"

Don't you mean that anorexic women are thin and vein-skinned?

Must dash. smiley - run

Morning shift

Post 7868

The Magster

I must say that I have a growing respect for Paul Bernal, he posts such sense and no polemics in sight. He definitely isn't one of us smiley - he?

Morning shift

Post 7869


Magster, your polemics in this matter have been noted!

smiley - whistle

Afternoon shift

Post 7870

The Magster

Bushy, I'll have you know that my polemics are greatly appreciated my Mr Magster smiley - winkeye

Afternoon shift

Post 7871

Ali Dubya

...and my polemics make all the girls go "oooh!"

Afternoon shift

Post 7872

The Magster

ROFL Alistair. Have you bought that flat in London yet, so maybe I could get a glimps of these wimmin going...ooooohhhhhh?

Afternoon shift

Post 7873

Pat Pending

The way to get read of polemics is with pole cats.

Afternoon shift

Post 7874


Is a polecat the same as a ferret?

Afternoon shift

Post 7875


Hi all,

Who is Susan Parmar on the The Station board? She keeps posting Wimmin stuff saying she wants 5 Live to devote more time to Wimmin ishoos etc (she's been shouted down as she was the last time she brought it up).

Pole vault?


Poll tax?

Pole position?

Pole star?

Afternoon shift

Post 7876

Ali Dubya

Magster, not yet. At the moment it's a toss-up between South Ken and Chelsea (so I can be near CG).

Afternoon shift

Post 7877

Ali Dubya

I've just posted a lengthy reponse on FLN about tax and it's been wiped. It was reasonable, well-sourced and factually accurate but they have clearly pulled it because it's too long.

I am sick and tired of those f***ing mods. How do they expect us to debate a subject as complex as tax and spending? In pithy sentences?

Afternoon shift

Post 7878

Pat Pending


Just post it in 2 bits, with a 'contd...' link.

FWIW, I read it before it got pulled, and it was good.

Afternoon shift

Post 7879

Ali Dubya

Crikey, it was only up for about five seconds...

Afternoon shift

Post 7880

Ali Dubya

D'you think Roberto Jordan is Tucker?

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