This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Evening shift

Post 7841


Good morning, O Wonderous Scarlet Lady, The Great Alistair, The Marvelous Magster, The -er- Missing Pat Pen, My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen

It's Friday, it's 9:40am and it's CRACKERJACK!!!

Today I am mostly staying in bed with a damp cloth on my brow.....

Evening shift

Post 7842


I'll have a smiley - coffee, Legers, old bean. Thanks everso.

And a glorious good morning to you too!

smiley - cheers

Day shift

Post 7843


Mornin' All! Chipper?

Sorry I'm late ... I erm ... missed the bus and etc. ..?

And now the weather, easterly breeze with cloud cover. 7 Celcius. Chance of rain this evening but brightening up for weekend. smiley - whistle

This weekend's "hair brain scheme" involves some large pants, a vat full of custard and a jolly good sport! Full report to be made on Monday!

I'll get me ladle ..?

Evening shift

Post 7844



Do I win a pen (not Pat tho') ..?

Day shift

Post 7845

Ali Dubya

Today, it is cold; no vegetable has been nominated and breakfast cereal is off the menu; the weather girl is off sick.

"I bought a ticket to the world, but now I've come back again. Why do I find it hard to write the next line? Oh I want the truth to be told."

Morning shift

Post 7846

The Magster

Good morning all smiley - smileyespecially the girls 'cos in the words of my 3year old this morning (and I nearly chocked on my toast) girls are great, boys are pooh!
Alistair, I am not a at all scary once you get to know me smiley - winkeye Quite submissive actually smiley - loveblush
Bushy, I hope you are not going to eat that custard after you have finished it. Who are you sha**ing today? I hear Mr Sarnia ia away at present!

Morning shift

Post 7847


Don't know yet Magster but if you're interested in putting in a bid just take a ticket and join the end of the queue ...

Morning shift

Post 7848


well than..
smiley - tea for bushwack
smiley - tea for akira
smiley - tea my self
I also got some extra foam on the side.

Magster, how can you say such awful things about men? Tell me honestly what would women do if we MEN weren't here? smiley - laugh

Morning shift

Post 7849

Ali Dubya

Hello Magster (and all, especially Pat),

I don't think you are scary at all. My nervousness at being surrounded by women was feigned in order to make you think I was vulnerable and needed mothering.

In reality, I have to fight the women off with a sh*tty stick, as they say.

Morning shift

Post 7850


Good one Ali smiley - ok

Morning shift

Post 7851

Ani K

good mornin' people,

any 1 seen brad around lately?

Morning shift

Post 7852


Oh thanks Legers! Jolly decent of you ...

Erm ... Who are you?

Morning shift

Post 7853


Mornin' Ani!

Brad who?

Morning shift

Post 7854

Ani K

mornin' bush

Brad Slovan

Morning shift

Post 7855


Bushwack, I've been poping out from time to time in this chat, thats all.smiley - run

Morning shift

Post 7856


Never heard of her ...

Only teasing Ani! He's not been around much but I will e-mail him for you if you like?

Morning shift

Post 7857


Yes, I know Legers, just ignore me... I'm all excited 'cos it's Friday!! Welcome one, welcome all is our motto here (with one notable exception!) ... smiley - whistle

Morning shift

Post 7858

Ani K

is there a chance bush u could e=mail me his e-mail addy? please

Morning shift

Post 7859


I'd rather not put his address here Ani! But I will e-mail and tell him you wish to converse right away...

Morning shift

Post 7860

Ani K

can't u e-mail me his addy. u can have my e-mail addy?...he knows who i am.

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