This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Evening shift

Post 7821


Me...madame, ooer missus!!!! Cold showers ....luv em!smiley - winkeye

I am utterly exhausted both mentally and physically!smiley - laugh

Evening shift

Post 7822

The Magster

Hazel, you don't really want to know but chopsy and bushy were being truly disgusting.

Evening shift

Post 7823


Magster stop lying... you loved every sordid moment of it... I would love to go into more graphic detail for you but it would not be ladylikesmiley - laugh

Evening shift

Post 7824


Magster - I'm shocked to the core. Good job I was otherwise engaged today, or I might have had to cancel my subscription!

[polishes halo]

Evening shift

Post 7825

The Magster

chopsy, I think you have the wrong idea about me...I am not a voyeur. I would much rather particpate in an activity than have to watch or worse, listen to someone who was there smiley - yawn

Evening shift

Post 7826



Magster you are a quite magnificant woman!

Evening shift

Post 7827


or rather magnificent

Evening shift

Post 7828

The Magster

I don't know whether that is a compliment or not smiley - biggrin

Have you noticed how Alistair always disappears when there is more than one girlie around smiley - winkeye

Evening shift

Post 7829


It is a please accept it as such...wonderful day's entertainment had by all...brilliant!!!!

Evening shift

Post 7830

The Magster

This is a new feeling to get used to, a compliment from the chopsy one. smiley - biggrin

Evening shift

Post 7831


Tonight I am mostly drinking smiley - redwine. I don't like it all that much, but it was very cheap smiley - smiley

Evening shift

Post 7832

The Magster

but how does it taste Hazel? It isn't the cost, it's the quality said the actress to the bishop.

Evening shift

Post 7833

The Magster

good night all smiley - yawn going to join the magster man in bed now. Sweet dreams smiley - smiley

Evening shift

Post 7834


It tastes better all the time! Goodnight smiley - angel

Evening shift

Post 7835


My god this is truly amazing. This is a lot talking thread. I couldn't even read all the stuff since my last posting. As for ER question, its an ok show, but watching it too much might damage one's emotional state.
Magster, Ali could simply be a shy person, so don't get too cocky smiley - tongueout


Post 7836

Pat Pending


Evening shift

Post 7837

Ali Dubya


No reason. I was just asking, that's all.

Morning all.

Evening shift

Post 7838

Ali Dubya

All this girlie talk makes me blush, Magster. You're all too sexually sophisticated for little old me.

Evening shift

Post 7839

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

a good morning from me too

smiley - fairy

Evening shift

Post 7840


Good morning everyone

I was told that I make THE BEST cappucino EVER. smiley - cool Does one wants any?

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