This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Afternoon shift

Post 7881

The Magster

Who is Roberto Jordan?

Afternoon shift

Post 7882

The Magster

Ha, I see, someone on the board, or the singer, who looks a little like David Tangoman Dickinson to me.

Afternoon shift

Post 7883

The Magster

see link for piccy

Afternoon shift

Post 7884

Ali Dubya


Afternoon shift

Post 7885

Ali Dubya

I understand. He's a sexy beast isn't he?

Afternoon shift

Post 7886

The Magster

Only if your name is Alistair smiley - whistle

Afternoon shift

Post 7887

Ali Dubya

Magster, I was looking at him from a female perspective.

Of course, it's a scientific fact that I am sexier, hunkier and a better lover than Roberto Jordan.

Afternoon shift

Post 7888



Good weekend all ...

Afternoon shift

Post 7889


OK Magster, how much for your silence...Mr Lou e.t.a. approx 4pm...smiley - winkeye...after all I do seem to recall giving you a compliment last night...and they don't come for freesmiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

Other than that, still nothing to report...plans for evening will be to wash lots of mucky working clothessmiley - wah, eat a chinese takeawaysmiley - smiley, dring (more) wine...or perhaps vodkasmiley - useless friday night t.vsmiley - sadface

Good weekend to all weekdayerssmiley - cheers, see you later I expect everyone else!

Afternoon shift

Post 7890

Ali Dubya


Are you playing tomorrow?

Afternoon shift

Post 7891

Ali Dubya

Actually, don't answer that because (a) you only play on Sundays and (b) I have a fixture list.


Afternoon shift

Post 7892

Pat Pending


Yes, weather permitting. we're not a Sundays only side, it's just that as we don't play League, it's easier for us to get fixtures on Sundays.

Tomorrow we are up against the might of Direct Wines CC: it's a bit of a Charity Shield affair because DWCC are staff who work for the Sunday Times' Wine Club and they are captained by a member of our Club for whom I was best man. I and a couple of others are playing for DWCC so that as many of our players as possible can get an early season outing.

As I'm keeping on Saturday, I'll be stiff as a board by Sunday when we go to Bill Frindall's home club to play Urchfont on what is always a great pitch for April (dry, true and consistently bouncy).

What about you?

Afternoon shift

Post 7893

Ali Dubya

A local 'derby' on Sunday at a small village near Petersfield. It's a hard, bouncy track with a ludicrously small boundary on one side (easy pickings just behind square on the leg side and extra-cover) and it's a good place to ease my way into the new season and test my dodgy shoulder. League starts in two weeks.

I feel curiously underwhelmed at the thought of playing cricket. I don't know why, but I do. Maybe I miss rugby already.

Covering local footie tomorrow (probably) and early-season cricket (I'm press officer for you-know-who CC).

Afternoon shift

Post 7894

Pat Pending

Sounds very like Penton: they also have a tiny boundary at one point (but a pub that does good food at lunchtime): we had a right ding-dong with them in the National Village Knock-out a few years back.

Afternoon shift

Post 7895

Pat Pending

PS: I know what you feel about being underwhelmed (if you can be under- and over- whelmed, can you be simply whelmed?): I'm putting it down to the weather having turned.

Good luck on Sunday.

Afternoon shift

Post 7896

The Magster

Pat, Ali, looks like you will not be playing if the weather forecast is to be believed smiley - sadface I suppose you will just have to sit in the bar and force all that alcohol down your throats smiley - winkeye
Chopsy, don't worry I will not be saying anyting to Mr Lou just yet. I shall wait, bide my time, amass evidence and then blackmail you like crazy smiley - whistle

Why are the boards closed? It was before 6pm when they closed. Urrmmphh.

Afternoon shift

Post 7897


Well Magster you drive a hard bargain don't you??!!!

Anyway I have no time to think of such nonsense this weekend as have a severe case of new job nervessmiley - erm First days are one thing..but with 800 of the town's finestsmiley - ermyoungsters breathing down my neck can you think of anything more terrifying??smiley - wah

Afternoon shift

Post 7898

The Magster

chopsy, you will be fine and your nerves will all disappear once you are actually on the job. I shall save all my good luck wishes for Sunday evening but you know I shall be thinking of you and how pleased I was about the job. Relax girl, have a few smiley - redwine's and chill. smiley - cheers

For Alistair

Post 7899

The Magster

Alistair, did you know that Rachel Stevens is getting married....not to Alstair W either, someone else. How will you cope?

For Alistair

Post 7900

Ali Dubya

Never mind. Plenty more fish in the swamp.

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