This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Popping in.....

Post 2141

Pat Pending

Or be a Bond villain.

Popping in.....

Post 2142

V Max

What make it even more surreal is if you read Brad's first line...

"and now LAdies and Gents a beautiful vision has taken the stage...who can it be?? "

...and the next posting is from McSqueel ! You couldn't make it up.

Popping in.....

Post 2143

Pat Pending

V Max,

It's madder than citing Star Trek in a serious discussion, and that's going some.

Popping in.....

Post 2144


Well I just fully agreed with Ruth McSqueal ...

smiley - whistle

Popping in.....

Post 2145

V Max


Don't rattle her cage. When she gets typing in a frenzy the Message Boards grind to a halt!

Popping in.....

Post 2146

V Max


It was only the bounds of good taste that led me to suggest "Since you've been gone", dedicated to Brad.

My first inclination was to dedicate "The Hokey-Cokey" to Michael Barrymore...

"You put your right arm in, right arm out, in, out, in, out, shake it all about" smiley - smiley

Did anyone hear Barrymore on the Mayo show? I thought he sounded drunk.

Popping in.....

Post 2147



I'm laughing me head off here with Brad's latest offering! McSqueal is squealing to the Noddyrators again! ROFL! Excellent work Brad, excellent!

Popping in.....

Post 2148

V Max

They think its all over...

It is now.

Back tomorrow, ta for the laughs everyone.

Popping in.....

Post 2149

Pat Pending

Everyone's whineing on af now. And anyway, why are childrens' dress codes deemed light news? I didn't read anything about it in the papers.

Great work Brad.

Popping in.....

Post 2150

Pat Pending

Just in case everyone's gone home and the threads have been wiped by tomorrow morning, here's what people are saying on AF (oh, and yes, I am a sneaky, bitchy little man):

"re: Planet threatened by singletons Ruth McNeil - 513th post - 14 Jan 2003 17:21
Hi Philippa. I thought this was an interesting discussion. But unfortunately, as people who are interested in talking about the news, we seem to be in minority.
Thanks for the effort anyway. You never know -- just adding this extra post might make people think it's worth checking into. Cheers, Ruth smiley - smiley"

[The Editor writes: dontcha just lurve that emoticon at the end?]

"re: Busted!! doug deep - 1860th post - 14 Jan 2003 17:55
Mods must we put up with these juvenile threads & posts,they have nothing to do with light news.This inane sense of humour should be on the teen board,just look at the threads thats on this board,theres only one thats got something to to do with light news..and thats 'school uniforms'.Its about time time was called on these juvenistic threads and get this board on track once more.And maybe then we could have more news items!!"

[smiley - tit]

"re: Busted!! Mel Simpson - 1828th post - 14 Jan 2003 18:04
Doug, the idiots are back. Who are they going to invade next? JULIA why do you pick on some decent people who are just enjoying a bit of chat and let these idiots reign free? Try to be consistent girl or move to another job."

["reign free"? Does he mean "free rein", or have we been appointed royals at no cost?].

Laters tatters.

Popping in.....

Post 2151

Pat Pending

And this just in from the "The Station" board, addressed to Simon Bendle - Host:

" re: john and louise Mel Simpson - 1827th post - 14 Jan 2003 18:21
Simon, why aren't you on the "and finally" board which has turned into a bloody shambles?"

Popping in.....

Post 2152

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

PP - I have just seen those posts....oh dear!

smiley - fairy

Popping in.....

Post 2153

Pat Pending


Indeed, it's all gone smiley - titsmiley - tit up hasn't it? LOL!

Popping in.....

Post 2154

Pat Pending


It's 6.50 pm: and the cleaners have just been in to the scene of the crime and removed all vestiges of our existence. Anyone logging onto AF now will wonder what the fuss was all about. We've been airbrushed out of history. Glad I copied those posts above............

Night all.

Popping in.....

Post 2155

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

well i for one completely agree with Mel and Dougie - shocking use of a messegeboard!

I resolve to post ON TOPIC on the morrow. I shall not deviate....unless I spy ij in leopard-skin posing that case, I shall chortle discreetly...and run away holding fistfuls of intestines as sides split....Oh dear, the Titanium White has finally got to me.

I must away. I have a date with OO7.

smiley - fairy

Back from my sick bed...

Post 2156

Dr. Strangegloves

Morning all....chipper?

Yes, I am first again, I'M THE MAN, I'M THE MAN....

Yes folks, seem to have missed v. funny 2 days but hey - I'm back to bring the tone down again.


There we go. Good to see you back Brad.

A full compliment ...

Post 2157


Mornin' Doc!

Very chipper thanks, are you?

Brad had a bit of a Cole Porter evening last night which was dying on it's feet until suddenly exploding across the entire MB system! Only the usual crowd of eunuchs started whining and then it was gone ...

Hope you're feeling better!

Mild, light high cloud. Westerly breeze and squally showers. 8 celcius. Becoming wetter.

Back from my sick bed...

Post 2158

Pat Pending

Morning Doc,

You've missed nothing. There was no amusement yesterday, and we didn't annoy anyone at all.
smiley - whistle

What's the weather forecast Bushy?

Back from my sick bed...

Post 2159

Pat Pending

Oops: weather forecast already in.

I loved the fact that someone (see above re my update yesterday evening) actually went to a different board to find a mod to complain to!

Back from my sick bed...

Post 2160

Dr. Strangegloves

Good lads and lasses. Keep it up. As if....

Speaking of which - Pat, you are the reprobate responsible for reeling off the ridiculous rumour that I'm rather receptive to Doug nazi. Here is a little slap for you -


Right, carry on.

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