This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2201


Can you get it out of your "recycle bin" Peter?

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2202


I've got Windows XP Pro. Reboot?

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2203


V Max is correct, technically, W2K should replace it from the O/S CD or CD image on your disk however I can just send you a copy of it if you let me know which Operating Sytstem you have.

DON'T PANIC!! (just yet anyway ...)

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2204

V Max


Hopefully the answer should be in your e-mail in-box.

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2205

Pat Pending

Apologies, but I have descended to the antis' level on AF (Brad's Porter thread), by criticising the school uniform debate. Couldn't help myself.

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2206


Thanks for the set-up Pat!

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2207

V Max

Oh dear, we all piled in on that one. Pre-mod, anyone?

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2208

Dr. Strangegloves


On TN - pile on!

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2209


BUshy - Light Club


Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2210


I'm over on 5LN now whacking idiot johnston! LOL!

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2211

Pat Pending

When you're back to AF, more feeds for Bushy and V Max on the top hat thread: and Peter S has mentioned toilet seats there too!

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2212

Dr. Strangegloves

And someone has just weighed in with another "PC Gone Mad" theme - anyone else care to take up the baton?

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2213

Pat Pending

Doc: I nipped in, but only with a quickie.

Should we be spoofing linguistic styles as well as general attitudes? I think so.

And on a point of order, the toilet seat was sandy winder's, not Peter S'.

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2214


Thanks for all your advice, chaps. smiley - smiley

Why I didn't come to the experts before doing anything I'll never know. smiley - blush Blame on the panic reaction of a computer-illiterate.

Next time I have any problems be sure you'll be the first to know!

BTW I'm going to use the Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 disk to find and reintall the files, OK?

smiley - cheers

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2215


Just this and it's my last word on the matter (honest!)

The person who unwittingly passed the hoax onto me emailed back with a website that helped to put my mind at rest.

smiley - cheers

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2216

Pat Pending

Blimey Bushy, your dummies thread disappeared quickly didn't it? I'd just had time to post in reply about prams and toys, and then it was gone.

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2217


Should be ok if you do as you propose Peter. I made a typo (yes Doc, another one!!!) by saying file is needed instead of is not needed. I don't think it is essential to your PC but better to replace anyway if you can.

Moderator deleting threads at moment! My dummy thread has bitten the dust already.

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2218


has anyone seen Ruths latest..does she honestly think people give such an arse about her opinion they'd sacrifice the 10 minutes it takes to trawl through her sancatamonious po faced s**t

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2219


Apprently she does!

Quick get on "Wife Swap(Shop)" thread before it's DING'd!

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2220

V Max

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