This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2261

V Max

They deleted that one just as I went to read it.

smiley - wah

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2262

Pat Pending

It's like the Killing Fields out there.

PS: Anyone ever seen Brad and Pooter in the same room? Me neither........

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2263


Brad will be getting a spank if he is pooter, ship's captain or not! pooter really is a complete twot!!

I see Andy Pandy got a message binned in 2 mins flat!! LOL!

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2264

V Max

Grrrrr, ij is sucking up to Phlipper.

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2265

Pat Pending

Quick: jonno on af being sycophantic and trying to be funny & abusive. Lots of supermarket jokes, or shall we just ask him to which news story his post relates?

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2266


Grrr!!! Where is he?

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2267

V Max

Already on it.


Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2268


I think I'll just stay here and sing The Dambusters March and leave all the blood-letting to you youngsters smiley - biggrin

I've got me slippers and pipe out of the silly costume cupboard and might spend the evening over on Radio 2.

No, second thoughts. I'm going to celebrate my 1000th on MC-H in a few minutes. Anyone going to be about?

smiley - cheers

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2269

Pat Pending

Good work everyone: I went for the more subtle "Start a new thread" approach, which should confuse if nothing else. Good to see the word "tertiary" in use!

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2270


Hello Peter! How are you? Sorry about all the pushing and pushing going on ... We do feel somewhat agrieved today though!

Congrats on your 1000th! Why not get yourself DELETED to celebrate? Will be over to MC-H(obbiton) to post congratulatory message if that's ok?

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2271

V Max


Perhaps we should kick off a charity to re-distribute some humour to the po-faced buggers who complain?

Bland Aid, anyone?

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2272


LOL V Max!

Right gentlemen (and ladies) I'm finishing the day on a positive note so get over to MC-Hobbiton and leave a message for Peter Lovegloves and his 1000th post! Let's not let the "regulars" (joke or what???) get us down eh?

See you all tomorrow!

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2273

Dr. Strangegloves

Morning chaps...chipper?

Bland it V Max.

Spotted on TN today - couple of Doug's pals suggesting we bring in the army etc. Get in there people!

Yours Dr. Anti-Nazi Strangegloves

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2274


Mornin' Doc! Very chipper thanks mate, you?

How about a nice peaceful day over on a more pastoral board?



Mild, cloudy, light easterly breeze, dry. 6 celcius. Possibility of some light rain later.

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2275

Dr. Strangegloves

Tempting...specially as Flipper the host has just introduced the topic of asylum seekers...

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2276


mornin all

Phillipa has started a jolly light news topic on af I suggest we boycott it or reply with some question marks thus??

what say you?

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2277

Dr. Strangegloves

...or try arguing that it isn't light news?

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2278


Oops! I've already replied Doc! smiley - whistle

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2279


hi brad, i left you a message on your personal space.

hi vmax and doc and pat pen and peter smiley - smiley - i would say hi tosmiley - tongueout bushy smiley - winkeye but he is not answering mesmiley - erm for some reason smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout

sob smiley - wah WAIL...sob,sob

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2280

Pat Pending

Morning all, especially Kris.

Peter: did you ever find your 1000th post?

Everyone: if Sandy Winder pops up, just reply with "Argonds?????" to whatever he posts - then hit him with an axe.

Bushy: your forecast is out, at least for the south-east: it's a lot warmer than that.

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