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Post 2321

Pat Pending

V Max,

ij has just told you off for not reading the appropriate posts (although how he was on hols and monitoring the MB is beyond me: no way can he use an internet cafe). Also, he's just replied to Peter S by pointing out that he's a MENSA member! LMAO: what a smiley - tit.


Post 2322

Pat Pending

And Peter S has slapped him straight back with it! Only problem is, it's probably too subtle a dig for him to get.


Post 2323

Commander Band

tee hee!


Post 2324

Pat Pending

Good work Peter S: he'll be back for more, I have no doubt.


Post 2325

Dr. Strangegloves

Mr. Leavis has just reprimanded the smiley - tit.


Post 2326


johnstons threads are still there aren't they over on FLN???


Post 2327



Just been reading the excellent parking attendent thread... I burst out laughing when reading V Max's excellent

"...those customers causing trouble in the car-park aren't even genuine Buyrite customers, they've probably slipped in illegally from Aldi, under the bottom of the milk-tanker."

Bravo chaps, bravo!


Post 2328

Pat Pending

ij's just nicked a joke from Dr S! Oh, the irony. I've told him off though.


Post 2329

Dr. Strangegloves

Good work. It was appalling enough in the first place. Didn't he do that in a chocolate thread once too.


Post 2330

V Max


Thanks. I know its bad form to laugh at your own jokes but I was laughing when I posted that one. smiley - smiley


Post 2331


I have no knowledge of ian johnstons chocolate thread nor do I wish any thank you!

I am fuppin' BANNED again ... Spare a login please guv'nor for ex-soldier??? Go on ...


Post 2332

Dr. Strangegloves

You can take over one of my new creations - barbara saville -(geddit).

lgoin saville/pw saville


Post 2333


Thanks Doc, but mysteriously I am back again??? I think the Noddys are having their revenge, blimmin' Phlipper no doubt!


Post 2334


Another ian johnston joke!! Is it comedy hour at Buyrite?


Post 2335

Dr. Strangegloves

ROFL! Top Johnston baiting, and now Magster's given up trying to find his good side and is putting the boot in.

Enjoying Mr. Leavis but I have to go to a long meeting now and will be out for the rest of the day. Bushy, would you mind using him? login leavis/ pw buyrite.

See you the morrow chaps.


Post 2336

Pat Pending

Is anyone listening to Phoenix Rhiannon on 5L? Completely hatstand. I know she's been through a lot n'all, but Frankie Howerd as a guardian angel? Huh?


Post 2337

V Max


Very strange indeed, discussing Coronation St and stuff with your kidnapper.


Post 2338

Pat Pending

Following on from something the Doc said a couple of days ago, I now feel sure that 'doug deep' is run by a team of minders (at least 6 in number) from a bunker in Bracknell: he's just posted a verbatim quote from a Henry Newbolt poem.


Post 2339


Hi all,

I caught last ten minutes of that Pat - when she was talking about "her best friend". Oo errr Missus.

Who was that female musician on earlier at the end of Fig Lover's show? Caught the end of that too, and if she'd been any more spacey she would have floated out of the studio.


Post 2340


That would explain a lot (the Doug theory).

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