This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd


Post 2361

Pat Pending

Me: he likes the attention and would be lost without us.


Post 2362

V Max

True. It helps while away the time in the cubicle.


Post 2363

Pat Pending

Vigilante psycho on FLN (see latest messages: look for my latest post and Allan Rothwell's to which I'm replying): anyone want to help (or are you all mad axe murderers as well?).


Post 2364

V Max

Good grief, stuart stuart has just revealed himself to be a homophobic git on FLN !


Post 2365

V Max


I'm not much cop at the serious stuff but I've had a go at blowing SS (how appropriate) out of the water. Can't comment much on the other one, anything Duncan does is ok by me !


Post 2366

Pat Pending

The nutters really do come out at night, don't they?

PS: 'Doug' is now quoting huge reams of latin on AF. Tomorrow I'm going to ask him how many people run him.


Post 2367

V Max


The stuart stuart posting is so outrageously bigoted I'm sure he'll get slaughtered anyway. I was tempted to post claiming to be an outraged practioner of bestiality who felt left out of the argument...


Post 2368

Pat Pending

V Max,

The bestiality defence? It might be worth a try! Think I'll just follow in behind you and Alistair W with the moral equivalence line though.

Just to be clear on t'other point: I'm not critical of Duncan Disorderly, but when people say that ALL criminals are fair game for whatever vigilantes want to throw at them, well.......


Post 2369

V Max


RE: Duncan. Sorry, totally mis-read it the first time. Not sure what Rothwell is really advocating - freedom to murder in the comfort of your own home?


Post 2370

V Max

Well, I've had a go on the Rothwell thread, I'll probably get called a lefty though !

I wonder where all the moderate, centre-right posters go? I must find out!


Post 2371

Pat Pending

V Max,

I think Rothwell IS advocating the freedom to murder all criminals.

Moderate centre-righters? I'll think about that overnight: probably with moderate centre lefters like me.


Post 2372

V Max

Sorry about that, my PC hung.

I've been avoiding political postings by and large. Anyone on the right who posts there is waaaay to the right of me.


Post 2373



Well done all. You've succeeded (sp?) in driving Ruth from the boards. Who's your next victim?

I'm ashamed of you.

Live and let live, eh?


Post 2374

Dr. Strangegloves

Morning all, chipper?

What's this about driving ruth from the boards. Wasn't me! Did someone stick a "Kick Me" sign on her back again?

All sorts of bizarre stuff seems to be going on at the moment. Doug Deep and his multiple personalities, IJ's obvious love of being abused, the sudden outburst of nutcase psycho-nazis on FLN - it's all too confusing. What's a poor boy to do? Perhaps there's a nice, fluffy place where I can lie down.


Post 2375

V Max

Hi Sarnia,

What's all this about Ruth? I think the only time I've posted to her was about 6 months ago on a "Who do the posters remind you of" and I suggested she was Ruby Wax. She was flattered. When she's not squealing about people having a laugh she can be quite interesting, if a bit verbose.


Post 2376

V Max

Mornin' Doc,

Have we assassinated Ruth by mistake, "Collateral Damage" sort of thing?


Post 2377


Mornin All

I think ians enjoying it, he's probably thinking it's making him into some kind of martyr as he climbs the stairs towards sainthood

I'm taking a break from the boards for a while

I'm being put in Pre Mod each time I re login and the MODS aren't sending me emails to justify why they keep pulling my posts...looks like I've touched a nerve..the tossers

seeya all

PS lets get Eddie on H2G2


Post 2378


Doc remeber that post of mine on TN you replied to they pulled all three New Discussions of mine..tell me am I paranoid?


Post 2379

Dr. Strangegloves

Brad - don't go!

Find a new yahoo address, call yourself something else, log back in - the Noddyrators can't do a thing.

Hang on - a thought -you're not Ruth, are you?


Post 2380

Dr. Strangegloves

Replying to your 2nd post now:

Brad, don't be disheartened. They may not listen, they may try to silence you, they may threaten you, they may frustrate you; but you must be heard, and each syllable of sanity will resound like a sweet echo on the craggiest ears.

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