This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd


Post 2401


So then! McSqueal running away crying like a baby... What else has been going on?

Brad is disheartened I take it? This is a far more important issue isn't it than the latest McSqueal diatribe? What's up Brad?


Post 2402


i agree with bushy, bradster mustnt leave. he can have any one of my alternates i will send them to him.

yes v-max, i did read the education thread and it was good fun. thanks for pointing it out smiley - hug

i am off to send brad some new names to play with.


Post 2403


Hold on a second! Im not saying I'm leaving for pity or an effort to gage how popular I am as Ruth is

Im having trouble with the MOds and I've got some work to catch up on, thats all

I'll be back soon enough , appreciate the thought though

now get on with some ian bashing

toodle loo


Post 2404

Dr. Strangegloves

Well the noddys have surpassed themselves this time. They have deleted one of my messages - a full 24 hours after I submitted it.

Apparently they - or Ian - objected to me equating trying to find johnno's nice side with looking for a furball in a bucket of cat sick. Can't think why.


Post 2405


Fair enough Brad! Just swapping e-mail accounts normally confuses the dunderhead Noddy's though...

Got tonnes of w**k to do meself actually!

Anyone fancy de-bugging the 3,00 lines of code that create the physical stock sheets in the Inventory system for me? D'Oh!!


Post 2406

Commander Band

Bushy .. suspect the 3,00 might be the very first bug. Am thinking about suggesting to IJ that terrorists have infiltrated the Caravan Club.


Post 2407


Good job the compiler moans about my spilling innit? Nah, it's hiding away in there somewhere, I can sense the little fupper ... Come out, come out, you little s*d!!

Wouldn't you just love to accidentally walk up to ian johnstons caravan perched on the edge of a cliff with him in it, sipping his cocoa, playing a quick game of "Happy Families" before bedtime (about 6:25pm) ... Waheyy!!


Post 2408


Jesus BUshy thats sounds rough...I'll still swap you for the 23 Ads I've got to do plus the imposition for the next Mag


Post 2409

Dr. Strangegloves

OK - odds on Ralph McSqueal's messages being up in 5 minutes please.


Post 2410


Doc I take my hat off to the guv'nor of comedy characters

you had me laughing out loud


Post 2411


Actually, 3,000 lines won't take me long as there are only key areas that this particular problem could possibly be ... You can keep the Ads Brad!

Anyway, folks I am off early so have a good weekend all!

Ta Ra!


Post 2412

Dr. Strangegloves

See you Bushy.

Well, Brad, enjoy while you can. As far as the noddyrators are concerned satire is dead.


Post 2413

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Psssst, its me, V Max. I've really cocked this up now and I can't get on with my old ID as I can't remember the Login Name/Password/e-Mail address combination. D'oh!


Post 2414

Dr. Strangegloves

Peter? Is that you uneder there?

Try your normal Beeb logon and pw, and your normal email address. If that doesn't work, panic.


Post 2415

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


No, its me I'm afraid (V Max that is). Serves me right really, now I can log on as ij but not as me! I'll try to get it sorted, but just when I thought I had it cracked it gave me a whole new researcher number. smiley - grr

V Max - IT Numpty

Post 2416

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Pooter's posting gay stuff again on "af..." smiley - yawn

V Max - IT Numpty

Post 2417

Dr. Strangegloves

I know, but I have just alerted a moderator with the summary of my complaint being "bum fetishist".

I had the same problem as you last week. You need to log out and try logging in on the five live board under your normal ID. Then go to h2g2 and try to log in again.

I shall go and have a look at your work on IJ's site now....

V Max - IT Numpty

Post 2418

Dr. Strangegloves


Superb the milk tanker!

Just been asked why I'm pissing myself by my manager - may be in for a trip to the counsellor.

V Max - IT Numpty

Post 2419

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

I'm wearing my temporary ID's name as a badge of shame. I of all people should know better.

V Max - IT Numpty

Post 2420

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


I thought the "dull but worthy" style lead nicely into the last entry...

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