This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

V Max - IT Numpty

Post 2441

Dr. Strangegloves

Bushy - see your email!

Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2442



Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2443


What was the problem (re: never drinking again)?

An overindulgence on Brains SA?, smiley - biggrin

Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2444

Dr. Strangegloves

Ah, Brains. What a bitter. What a name.

Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2445


An over indulgence on Stella Artois as far as I recall! Does anyone else get really violent after drinking that stuff? (I know pooter cannot answer as he only drinks blood)

With this no-smoking policy in place I have had to knock other stuff on the head though so what can I do?,

Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2446

Dr. Strangegloves

Stella always kills my tastebuds. I remember a particularly long session, followed in the morning by a McD's. Couldn't taste a thing. Mind that could have been the McD's.

Still got a bottle of absinthe from my trip to Prague I haven't opened. Don't suppose anyone's tried it,

Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2447


I've had a sip from a geezer I know from football! He's completely nuts tho' and drinks it all the time! It's supposed to be lethal isn't it? Tasted bloody awful!!

Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2448


Nosferatu and pooter? Never see 'em together do you and I think Brad's picture proves it!!

Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2449

Dr. Strangegloves

Well Bushy, you're supposed to boil it up on a spoon with sugar first. Reason is it's made from wormwood, which is a by-word for bitterness. That is the reason I haven't opened it - can't be @rsed to boil it up!

Top Joke:
A woman goes into a bar and asks the barman for a double entendre. So he gives her one.

Who? peter pooter? What a t**!!

Post 2450

Dr Bushgloves, armchair revolutionery

go easy on the shandy is bad for you. rolf.

hows the marxist computer programmer this morning. rolf.

watch star trek over the weekend? rolf.

Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2451


He does boil it with sugar but not on a spoon ...

Shakespeare walks into a pub and the landlord shouts "Get out you're bard!"

Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2452


Oh you've come back pooter? How nice!! Can I be an armchair revolutionary as well please!!

Been sitting in your coffin crying all weekend again have you?

Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2453


hi v-max, i was going to leave you a message on your new personal space but it cant be done until you do a little intro,

smiley - hugsmiley - love Kris

Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2454

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Hi mate. Intro done now, thanks for reminder.

smiley - love

Who? peter pooter? What a t**!!

Post 2455


I got fetched back some Absynte by my folks and it came with this flattened tablespoon sized colander type thing. The craic is to rest it on the glass with a sugar cube on it, pour the Absynte over it, then light the cube and bung it in & stir it. Aparently.

I might try it 'cos it's vile neat.

Julius Caesar walks into a bar, asks for a Martinus. "Don't you mean Martini?" asks the Barman. Caesar says "If I wanted a double, I'd have asked for it"

Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2456

Pat Pending

Morning all: chipper?

If anyone wants to read about absinthe rather than just taste it, there's a great book called The Dedalus Book of Absinthe, which provides a history, together with case studies, a breakdown of its pharmacological effects and an analysis of the various types available on the market today (they vary greatly in alcohol and wormwood content).

Mycelium's description of the drinking process is very similar to that followed by Inspector Aveline (J. Depp esq.) in From Hell, save that he also adds 2 or 3 drops of a poison to the sugar cube,

Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2457


Morning Pat et al

Absinthe is vile even with the sugar... Mind you, it's better than Clam Chowder! Anyone ever had that? Vomit worthy fare and no mistake!

Cloudy, occasional showers, 7 celcius. More rain for this week.

P.S. Morning and "sod off" to any of the undead peeking in today!

Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2458

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Mornin' all.

Anyone bothered looking at "af..." today? You can imagine the tumbleweed blowing across the board. Totally dead.

Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2459

Dr Bushgloves, armchair revolutionery

maybe its because brad (and his lemmings, you know who you are) abuse and bore people and attempt unfunny humor. rolf.

maybe because people have work to do. rolf.

going to squeal to the mods again?

Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2460


Morning (nearly) all smiley - smiley

Spring must be on the way. The rain's getting warmer,

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