This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

V Max - IT Numpty

Post 2421

Dr. Strangegloves

ROFL! "put plastic hood on...very smart" "off to bed and bash one out".

That's made my weekend, that. I have to drive down to Cardiff tonight and you've given me something to keep me awake!

Off home now...everyone have a good w/e, ya hear?

V Max - IT Numpty

Post 2422

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


All part of the service. Have a good 'un.


Post 2423

Brad Slovan

This post has been removed.

V Max - IT Numpty

Post 2424

Brad Slovan

dont forget to congratulate yoursleves on being sooooo funny. rolf.

...goin' out on the pull tonight? im not. ive got 890 lines of code to do, ill probably watch some old stat trek videos. rolf.

V Max - IT Numpty

Post 2425


thought you'd eventually pop in Pooter

got bored just peeking?

Hello Pooter

Post 2426

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

smiley - sigh

A poor imitation.

V Max - IT Numpty

Post 2427

Brad Slovan

very intersting. cant wait for the new batch of comedy characteers. rolf. well done for getting rid of mcsqueal; hope it makes your weekend. rolf.

Brad you sexy thang

Post 2428

Brad Slovan

i think its quite good (roars of self congratulatory laughter)


Post 2429

Brad Slovan

I like the view here. very nice. i think i might stay awhile. rolf.

talking of nice have you found a nice man yet brad? rolf.


Post 2430


Who's this doing the dog impressions???


Post 2431


That's not really you is it, Brad?

-Unless you've recently had some kind of intelligence and humour bypass, I suppose....

Nice boy Brad

Post 2432

Brad Slovan

brad? humour? wot a joke. it would shame a 5 year old. rolf.


Post 2433

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Mornin' all.

Good weekend everyone?


Post 2434

Dr. Strangegloves

Not bad.

What the hell was pooter doing here?


Post 2435

Dr. Strangegloves

Tis no matter. To business. Chipper?,


Post 2436


Morning boys smiley - smiley

Nice weekend I trust,

smiley - cheers


Post 2437

Dr. Strangegloves

I've been in Cardiff and had a splendid weekend, on the anti-war demo (2000 people in the City Centre). And I've got the whole house to myself for the week because Mrs. Strangegloves and baby strangegloves are still there - staying with her parents. So it's the bachelor life for me this week, not changing my underwear and playing computer games till 3am,

V Max - IT Numpty

Post 2438

Brad Slovan

squealed to the mods about my shadow id? you wont get rid of me that easily. rolf. how was the blue oyster bar?

V Max - IT Numpty

Post 2439


Mornin' All! Chipper?

Can't complain meself!! Pretty good weekend, altho' I am deffo NEVER NEVER drinking again and I mean it this time ... smiley - whistle

Rain, easterly breeze, 5 celcius. Continuing blustery showers.

By the way, who let that undead wanker, peter poofter, in and why is he calling himself Brad??? Mind you chaps it does save the bother of having to go and hunt him down ala T**t Hunt?

V Max - IT Numpty

Post 2440


Bah!! He's logged off already ... Was it summat I said?

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