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Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2461


Mornin' All

af ain't so bad...with a bit of creative thinking..ahem

Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2462


Mornin' All
af ain't so bad...with a bit of creative thinking..ahem,

Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2463

Pat Pending

I see what you mean.
smiley - whistle

Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2464

Dr. Strangegloves

Afternoon all, chipper?

Been away cos w**k caught up with me.

Anyone else get messages to say our postings had been edited? Apparently ther h2g2 mods don't think pooter's a t**t, but a t*t.

Boards are well boring. How about renaming them "rabid right-wing nutcase chat" and "light racism"?,

Who? peter pooter? What a t**t!!

Post 2465

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Hi Doc,

Yeah, I got the h2g2 one as well and was really baffled 'cos they chose the posting where I said "Hi" to Kris, a few pages back. Totally inoffensive, except then I noticed the title! Another fine piece of weird, random moderator activity.

I see Brad's doing Cole Porter stuff again on "af...", can anyone enlighten me on this, it goes right over my head (blame a state education!) ,

Who? peter pooter? What a !!

Post 2466


Makes you want to turn to piracy, don' it? smiley - smiley

Who? peter pooter? What a muddy funster!

Post 2467

Dr. Strangegloves

Where's the singalong?

Have you noticed on ij's site that he has now set chelsea a compatability quiz?

Who? peter pooter? What a muddy funster!

Post 2468

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Who? peter pooter? What a muddy funster!

Post 2469


Eddie can always be relied on to give good post

VMax I don't know what the hell i'm doing with the Cole Porter Posts either, It sprang from your 100th post celebration so its all YOUR FAULT!

Who? peter pooter? What a pheasant plucker!

Post 2470

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Stop that - you sound like my wife! smiley - biggrin

Who? peter pooter? What a pheasant plucker!

Post 2471




your on the couch tonight , boyo

Who? peter pooter? What a pheasant plucker!

Post 2472


What messages? I can't get owt from h2g2 'cos my e-myther that I set-up with is now defunct!

Any chance someone can post it here?

Who? peter pooter? What a pheasant plucker!

Post 2473

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


I wouldn't worry, it was just a Mod objecting to one of the Subjects on this thread, and editing it to be less "offensive".

Who? peter pooter? What a pheasant plucker!

Post 2474

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


You've got mail...


Post 2475

Dr. Strangegloves

This post has been removed.

Who? peter pooter? What a chutney ferret!

Post 2476


Yep, got it V Max, thanks!

It was me by the way folks, so sorry ... smiley - whistle


Post 2477


This post has been removed.


Post 2478


This post has been removed.

Pooter is a back tickler

Post 2479

Dr. Strangegloves

What are you suggesting, Bushy?

Pooter swallows!! Allegedly.

Post 2480


Eh? Oh erm ... nothing!

smiley - whistle

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