This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2281


Bushy isn't talking to me either...the two faced bastard

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2282

V Max

Mornin' all.

Is it worth even trying today? I get the feeling we'll just get "binned" on the spot.

smiley - cross

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2283


Hi VMax

Kris she sounds nuts why you want me to get in touch with her...oh right

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2284

Dr. Strangegloves

Ah well - I was in the cubs so I am prepared.

I spent 10 minutes last night setting up some alternative personalities!

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2285


Pat: This is Norvern wevver you soft sahven poof!! We like it freezing up 'ere mate...

kris: I am!

brad: Calm down, calm down, you're hysterical ... One for luck?

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2286


E-mythers all round then Doc?

P.S. Don't expect me to answer tho' Ok?

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2287


brad - i am so happy you are back, you very naughty boy. go and do what i said on your personal space if you havent already.smiley - grr

have to go and get my neck wrenched and my back thumped and twisted - see you round lunchtime you luverly luverly top notch dudes you.smiley - cool

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2288

V Max

Unbelieveable, some people have taken Pat's "Worst Job" posting seriously ! It was only a dig at johnston !

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2289


Mornin V Max! Forgot you earlier ... How are you today?

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2290

V Max

Fed up, Bushy. I want to be a "regular".

smiley - wah

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2291


Calm down, calm down, you're becoming hysterical V Max!!


Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2292

V Max


Stop it, you're becoming a slapper!

Attack of the Random Mods

Post 2293


If the cap fits ...


Attack of Johnny Moronic

Post 2294


Has anybody read Johnny Moronic's latest outburst over on FLN!

You can probably imagine the majority of the content but he finishes off with this classic line:

"P.P.P.S. If the Indians don't write software, how are they going to afford our Airbuses?"

Votes please gentlemen for the nastiest fascist snaking around the board!

Johnny Moronic
Phil K
doug nazi
ian johnston
dave northern
mick twixxx
james mowbray

I'll go for Mr Moronic I think... Hmmm... It's a toughie tho' isn't it? "Hang 'em High" johnston is a bit of a village idiot really but james mowbray is particularly nasty isn't he? Decisions, decisions!!

Attack of Johnny Moronic

Post 2295

Pat Pending

Or 'malcolm'? He's right up there with the worst of them.

Attack of Johnny Moronic

Post 2296

Pat Pending

Oh yeah, and Cheryl Page too.

Attack of Johnny Moronic

Post 2297


MOronic gets my vote, the others do seem to have a sense of humour, but this prick is just nasty for the sake of it

I seem to be using alot of expletives of late, i do apologise, its just since Father Ches was kicked off I'm missing confession

Attack of Johnny Moronic

Post 2298


Does anyone else want to "nominate a numpty"? These people aren't really Nazis (apart from one notable example!) but seem to be ... well just, old! Old and frightened!? Clearly illustrated by a thread called "Reasonable" (or something?) over on FLN.

Attack of Johnny Moronic

Post 2299

V Max

My vote goes to... "Sister Ray". What a waste of space. "Tories getting old, hope they all die, blah blah blah", biting political satire or what? The fascist left embodied. Sorry, I think I had a Littlejohn moment there.

Attack of Johnny Moronic

Post 2300


Fair point V Max! It is quite often the left fires cheap shots back but I would think it is overwhelmingly the right that uses these scurrilous scare-monger tactics! It's started already with some pea-brain who "claims" to be a Canadian Police Officer! Clever choice if I may say so ...

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