This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2181


That was a bit vicious wasn't it?

I was told that light news was out because the posting I was replying to had been removed and my red balloons one had been removed because it was off subject. Did I get thrown out with the bath water? smiley - sadface

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2182

Dr. Strangegloves

Another one up...let's see how long it stays

Doctor DD.

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2183

V Max


I give it less than 5 minutes.

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2184



its only natural the MODS should pop our balloon threads

they're all a bunch of pricks

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2185


LOL! Dull Dave? Does he live with his mum and work in a car park?

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2186

V Max

Good old Alistair W has taken it the right way. Why isn't he on here with us, he's a right laugh.

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2187


It's gone!

Both him and Eddie Crane need to get over here I reckon!

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2188

V Max

And its gone. About 10 minutes, I think. They're watching those boards like hawks today.

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2189

Pat Pending

Gone already: and just after Ali W had joined in with a parody of the "PC gone mad brigade". Didn't even have time to add my thoughts about building regs re conservatories. The mods are on fire today: perhaps we should go to "The Station"?

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2190


Let's see how this lasts then in "Trout Lips" ...

Hands up chaps if you've had a so-called "sack and crack" wax! If so, are you still crying?

McSqueal and johnston will both have their a***s twiching!

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2191

Pat Pending

Ali W is here (as 'Alistair Dubya'), so I've left him an invite to join us in his space.

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2192


Serious message.

All of you who are listed in my address book should have just got an email from me passing on a message I received about a quarter of an hour ago.

I followed the instructions and did, indeed find the teddy icon.

Any suggestions and thoughts?

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2193


Please someone slap me, I'm getting out of control again ... Just posted this to the Magster:

I went to a knife swapping party once but I think I misheard what was expected ... The door was very firmly slammed in face when I showed them my chopper!


I'll get me keys ..?

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2194

V Max


I wouldn't worry too much - I've just posted a novelty use for ear-wax!

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2195

Dr. Strangegloves

Peter - I had that one a while ago. It isn't a virus - it's an important file - Bushy should back me up on that one.

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2196

Dr. Strangegloves

As I had it explained to me, it's someone who can't be @rsed writing a virus themselves, so picks an obscure file and asks people to delete it - therefore doing the job of a virus themelves.

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2197



It is a hoax. Been doing the rounds for quite a while now. The trick with hoaxes is that give you a load of spiel as if it is someone genuinely confused or they claim that not even Sophos or McAfee know about it yet!

If in doubt send it to me and I'll check it out for you. Never forward them on to anyone as it merely a way in which your address list is fired out onto the Internet so that tw*ts can then spam you with adverts! Even if you do get infected don't hestitate to get in touch and I'll help you get shut of the nasty little b*ggers!!

JDBGMGR.EXE is the Microsoft Debugger Registrar for Java if anyone is interested and whilst totally vital for normal systems operations it is used by your operating system.

BW. (With serious hat on!)

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2198


Unfortunately I panicked and followed the instructions straight away. Idiot.

What did I delete?

PS I've re-emailed everybody to tell them it was a hoax...

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2199

V Max

From the intranet of the world's biggest computer company (whatever Microsoft might tell you!):

Do not fall victim to this Hoax:
jdbgmgr.exe is a legitimate Windows file.
Do not delete it. This Hoax has been
circulating since August 2002.

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2200

V Max


If you're on Win2K just re-boot and the file should re-install.

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