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Popping in.....

Post 2121


To be serious for a moment as a car driver I have only ever once nearly clipped a cyclist and even then the naughty little b*gger overtook a line of traffic turning left, in the dark, when it was raining without any lights, I still managed to stop!! There is no excuse for not "seeing" a cyclist whatsoever if you take the legally required amount of due care and attention whilst driving.

Popping in.....

Post 2122


well said Pat

I've been lucky so far....he says before getting on his bike tonight

V MAx your wanted on and finally

curtain call

Popping in.....

Post 2123

Pat Pending


If cyclists are doing dangerous manouvers, they're fair game though, as long as the driver is signalling and has priority. But your serious moment is appreciated by those of us on smaller vehicles.

Popping in.....

Post 2124

V Max

"RJ500" Typo? I thought it was RG500?

If you had one of those you're madder than I ever suspected, it vies with the Max as the maddest machine ever to hit the road!

Respect to Bushy.

Popping in.....

Post 2125


Sorry V Max, typo ...

RJ is some old donkey thing that Yamaha used to do isn't it? smiley - whistle

Popping in.....

Post 2126


The maddest machine to ever hit the road was the RD350 YPVS which was by far the most powerful thing on aframe that light ever ... Closely followed by the RG500 and RD500 as you rightly state! Brain out, helmet on ... Let's go f***ing beserk!! (and fast!)

Popping in.....

Post 2127

Commander Band

Yep .. it's a sad and sorry excuse, and was used by the driver who hit me. When our friendly policeman turned up, I asked him what action would be taken against the driver suggesting that Careless Driving might be in order as he clearly didn't look before reversing into me the policeman said "Ah, but he did look, he just didn't see you" No action being taken against driver, me limping. Having a clear conscience can hurt sometimes. By the way V MAX, is your bike the one with the Nuffield three point linkage?

Popping in.....

Post 2128

V Max


Yep, and variable thrip valves.

Popping in.....

Post 2129

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Sorry to butt in on the cycling club - just wanted to say hello to Brad - hope you had a good hols.

Don't really know much about the bicycle as such - though for some reason I recall my name and said vehicle and 'office' coming up in overheard conversations in my younger days......

MC-H far too introspective at the mo (yes all my fault!) - though dear Peter S has started something for ER II to get into - but am not sure where it will go.

smiley - fairy

Popping in.....

Post 2130


Chelsea Girl... Bike?

Bike... Chelsea Girl?

Nope, don't get it!!

Popping in.....

Post 2131

Pat Pending

Hooray, her Chelseaness is still alive: thought perhaps you'd had to go into hospital for a life-threatening knee op and was just going to e-mail to make the appropriate enquiries.

MC-H difficulties not, repeat not, your fault at all. Peter L put it very well first thing this morning in this very thread, and we all agree with him.

Popping in.....

Post 2132

Pat Pending

and now it looks as if I just nicked Peter S' idea from MC-H, which I honestly didn't.

Bushy, was there perhaps a Raleigh Chelsea at some point? Who knows?

Popping in.....

Post 2133


Raleigh Chelsea? Yep! I rode mine 'til it was falling to bits and then it went to me little brother! smiley - whistle

Popping in.....

Post 2134


Brad's "Cole Porter Night" over on "af" isn't going down to well with the yokels! LOL!

Popping in.....

Post 2135

V Max

I'm waiting with baited breath for ij, McSqueel, Mel or Doug Nazi to make their opinions known.

I'm sure they'll join in with the spirit of the thing. Not.

Popping in.....

Post 2136

V Max

Let's see if Dr Dickie / Pooter crawls out now.

Popping in.....

Post 2137

Pat Pending

If you use the "Latest Messages" button on AF, you can get some extraordinarily surreal results.

I hadn't been there since Brad started his Cole Porter thread, co I LMed, scrolled down to the last 1 I'd seen (V Max's ref to Gestapo Bob Harris) and then read upwards. So there I am, tears rolling down my face courtesy of The Slovan, when suddenly I come across a post from Ruth about school uniform! Extraordinarily weird juxtaposition. Fantastic work everyone!

Popping in.....

Post 2138



You know Horse - what goes wiv me cart, mate! Just popped out to give him his nosebag. Bleedin' hell - don't you know nuffing?

smiley - titsmiley - titsmiley - tit

Popping in.....

Post 2139


Triple smiley - tit?

I could w**k in a circus!

Popping in.....

Post 2140

V Max


I did the same thing and its surreal, isn't it? A whole load of nonsense then a completely serious slab of text about school uniforms. Its like a clash of 2 totally different cultures, the Mad and the Po-Faced.

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