This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Gentlemen ...

Post 2101

V Max

Typical, I can't access the boards (or anything else) for a few hours due to an intranet failure and I've missed the dirty poetry fun.

smiley - wah

Popping in.....

Post 2102


....and out.

Hello all [waves].

'Orse needs feeding...

Bye all [waves]

Popping in.....

Post 2103


MC-H now stands for "Mornington Crescent - Hobbiton"

Peter Sturdgess eh? Welcome Peter! Pull up a goblin and have a human steakwiche whilst recounting all about the wars!!

Hello Sarnia! Who is "Horse"?

Ton up

Post 2104

V Max

Hooray, passed the 100 post mark on 5Live. Not with anything particularly observant, witty or cutting, but hey, what's new!

Popping in.....

Post 2105

Commander Band

Thanks .. Nice leather chair, you wouldn't have any Port perchance? Ah yes! the wars, well I must say that I played the white feather in the last unpleasantness and was also diverted by some peabrain car driver who knocked me off my bike. Still it's all over now but I must say that MC-H does seem a little quiet at the moment whilst all and sundry are licking their wounds.

Popping in.....

Post 2106

Pat Pending

Peter S (we'll have to give you that moniker to differentiate you from Peter the Lovegloves),

Welcome to our thread (although I know you've popped in here briefly on a couple of occasions in the past): come and join me in "Run over cyclists' Corner". It's a small clique, with limited conversation, but we can compare wounds, damage to vehicle, quality of hospital care, location of incident etc etc.

Popping in.....

Post 2107


Sorry to interrupt your story Peter but has anyone read Phil K's latest ... "offering" over on TN? It is called "Microcosm of PC" ... It's such utter b*llocks that it should have a Government Health Warning on it!

"WARNING: This post is dangerously stupid. The public are advised that they should read at their own peril!"

Sorry to hear you got knocked off your bike Peter! Hope you are feeling tickety-boo again!

Popping in.....

Post 2108


I've run over loads of cyclists Pat! Can I join?

Popping in.....

Post 2109

Pat Pending

No, you can't join our sub-thread. If you've hurt 1 hair on 1 cyclist's head (unless they were cycling on the pavement, or without lights, or the wrong way down a 1 way street, or had jumped the lights) you have to go over there into "Psycho Drivers' Corner".

Popping in.....

Post 2110


Hurt them? Not sure 'cos I don't bother stopping to find out! Now can I join?

Popping in.....

Post 2111

Pat Pending

OK: but you're on the tricycle, with extra stabilisers. After 2 years you can upgrade to a Grifter. Brill.

Popping in.....

Post 2112

V Max

Having been knocked off my (motor)cycle oooh, maybe a dozen times (and it was never, ever my fault, honest) am I eligible to join?

Best excuse I ever heard - "I thought you were a gap in the traffic". Honest. The prat got 3 points and a fine. I was in a queue of traffic approaching a roundabout, headlight on and wearing a bright orange tabbard marked "Caution, riders under instruction" (I used to be an instructor) and he STILL didn't see me!

Popping in.....

Post 2113


Oh ok then! You got me ... I always give plenty of space to cyclists and bikers alike because I used to be one!

Any chance I could go straight for Raleigh Arena now?

Popping in.....

Post 2114


remind me to knock off your side mirror Bushy with my handle bar

is there some kind of feud with Sarnia and Kris going on?

Popping in.....

Post 2115


Come off it V Max, you neglected to mention that you were doing 135mph on your back wheel!!

Popping in.....

Post 2116


Knock it off all you like ... Company car!! Mine's the Black Celica blasting around Wilmslow and South Manchester with the cyclists detector on the front!

Don't know? Is there a feud?

Popping in.....

Post 2117

Commander Band

Only if you've got those stick on ears things which go on Helmets.

Popping in.....

Post 2118

V Max

160 in the inside lane.

Black Celica? I imagined you'd drive a Lada, Gaz or Zil, or maybe a Trabant! Good communist engineering.

Popping in.....

Post 2119

Pat Pending

V Max/Brad,

Yeah, the "sorry, I didn't see you" excuse is a shocker isn't it. And it's used in all sincerity, as if it's a genuine justification. Had an argument with a van driver once who clipped me and then just said it as if it was the end of the matter. When I asked him what the feck else I was supposed to do to compensate for his blindness, seeing as it was a clear morning in July and i had a bright yellow top on, he just repeated it.

The other one I hate is "Well, I was signalling". This happened to Mrs Pen: idiot turned right across her right of way, and then said it. Twot. Especially as he came from behind her and then turned left across her (we were in the bus lane): she's freaky, but hasn't yet got 360 degree vision. They wouldn't do it to us if we were buses.

This has been a Public Service Announcement on behalf of the Injured Cyclists' (motor and bi-) League. You may now return to whatever you were doing before.

Popping in.....

Post 2120


I'm not a communist though V Max.

Used to have an RJ500 Gamma too ... Yeah, yeah I know, boy racer bike!!

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