This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

And the winner is ...

Post 2041


I like Ruth. She's got good taste in movies.smiley - smiley

And the winner is ...

Post 2042


don't be fooled Pete thats what we all thought at first

just one of the strands on her wicked web to trap us

And the winner is ...

Post 2043


Ruth is a complete numpty!! Everytime anyone tears down one of her flimsy sycophantic non-entity postings agreeing with one of local right-wing brain-deads she starts SQUEALING like a stuck pig about insulting her and even went so far as to accuse me of being a racist last week!!

Not sure if she is actually wicked but certainly gets right on my pip-end I can tell you but seeing as I do that most people it might be fair enough I suppose?

Check out a brilliant Dr Strangegloves skit on ian johnston on this very system. Certainly had me chuckling all weekend!

And the winner is ...

Post 2044


where is that dangerous pychopath by the way?

and Ian too

And the winner is ...

Post 2045

V Max

Johnston's hard at work in the car-park pay booth at Morrisons, checking that shoppers have a properly stamped till-receipt. Its demanding work but worthy.

And the winner is ...

Post 2046


Ruth is swooping down from the rafters agreeing with right wingers for no apparent reason on 5Live as we speak!

ian johnston is busily compiling his secret reports on potential criminals, miscreants, subversives and un-believers to send to the Home Office and local newspapers. We're all on the list I believe?

And the winner is ...

Post 2047

Pat Pending


Remind me: you were here for Cult Tv weren't you? Were you also still around when the Johnston-Bot invaded MC-H, and got shot down by CG? The real ij then posted on MC-H to complain about his name being taken in vain, and got shorter shrift than the Johnston-Bot had! smiley - tit

And the winner is ...

Post 2048

Pat Pending

And just for your return Brad, that 'dangerous psychopath' about whom you were enquiring has just popped up on Five Live News ('oil or what?' thread).

And the winner is ...

Post 2049



And the winner is ...

Post 2050


yep Pat I was modded for the Cu*t TV invasion

when I said pycho I meant the Doc

And the winner is ...

Post 2051


LOL! Doc is on his hols I think for today!

ian johnston is on the offensive after spending the morning putting out bunting for the arrival of the Ark Royal in Bonnie Ecosse? C'mon everyone likes a sailor don't they?

And the winner is ...

Post 2052

Pat Pending

"when I said pycho I meant the Doc": oh dearie me, I must have deliberately misunderstood you. Slapped wrist Pat.

And the winner is ...

Post 2053


sorry Pat I'm still rusty, I'll get into the swing of things soon

And the winner is ...

Post 2054


Are the numbskull Noddyrators deleting stuff at random again or what? I just spent 5 mins rubbishing ian johnstons latest load of rubbish and now it's been zapped already!!

And the winner is ...

Post 2055


Hold up! Now it's back again ... Bloody IT bods eh?

smiley - whistle

And the winner is ...

Post 2056


Father Ches has been put in pre mod 3 times already
I'm running out of variations of his name

it seems Pete Townsend isn't a good topic for discussion by a catholic priest

And the winner is ...

Post 2057

Pat Pending


5 mins: that long? I hope you read the post to which you were replying, else all hell will be unleashed.

And the winner is ...

Post 2058


Nah not really ... Took me a minute if that but I thought I'd make a deal out of it!

What question? I'll get me tin hat!?!?

And the winner is ...

Post 2059

V Max


I saw Father Cehs' posting (briefly) and the only reason I can think of for "pulling" it is the mods/hosts have a real downer on you posting as any variant of the good father.

And the winner is ...

Post 2060

Pat Pending


Where's this reply of yours to ij then?

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