This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

And the winner is ...

Post 2061



It's on and off [the MB] like a Bride's nightie ... Was there few mins ago but has now gone again???

Was at bottom of naff johnston thread about war not being associated with oil in any way whatsoever!! Has that boy got his head in the sand or what is a better question I think?

And the winner is ...

Post 2062

V Max

Blimey, been having a look at MC-H and it seems to have exploded into civil war over there. Even Anna, the helpful host is appealing for calm. The mods will be deploying in riot gear any minute now! smiley - injured

It was so peaceful there before we arrived - have we somehow "contaminated" it?

And the winner is ...

Post 2063


P.S. Because I do not catalogue everything from the Message Board and then learn it by rote I cannot re-create on this system either? Sorry!

And the winner is ...

Post 2064

Pat Pending

For crying out loud Bushy, don't you know that you should save (on hard disk, floppy and paper) every single message you write (together with those you're replying to and all replies to your posts), and file them alphabetically (but cross-referenced by name, subject and date/time)? If you took this simple step, you wouldn't have these difficulties.

V Max,

I've been following MC-H today, and although Peter or Chelsea will be able to comment better, it seems to me that the original parties have all made peace (even if somewhat tentatively in some case), but some satellite 'discussions' have developed and become a bit heated. Oh me, oh my, it all seems a bit messy.

And the winner is ...

Post 2065


Blimey! The MC-H gentle-folk are becoming a rowdy rabble-rousing set of yobs, just like us?

Too rough for me, I've logged out for now ... That Juicy Beeswax is a bit feisty isn't she? I like her!!!

Pat, sorry about that mate I would do as you suggest but my genetic bone-idleness prevents me ... ZZZzzz ... Eh? Pardon? What year is this?

And the winner is ...

Post 2066

V Max


"Juicy Beetle" seems to have got all hot under the collar. A slap may be in order (to stop the hysteria, obviously... Oh all right, because it would be a well earned slap too).

Perhaps we should start up a nice, diverting new game of "add a paragraph to the story" ? Can you think of something funny to get the ball rolling? I'm drawing a blank here...

And the winner is ...

Post 2067


Yes V Max,

How about this?

One day in the quiet sleepy hamlet of Mornington, the local folk, R4 Hobbits, allowed a band of maurauding 5Live Orcs to open a tavern called the "Marxist Horse". After drinking like mad eejits the whole place turned into a right bun-fight and the nasty orcs b*ggered off back toward 5Live Morgul walloping ian goblins on the way.

Consequently the fair Shire of Mornington is now ...

And the winner is ...

Post 2068

Pat Pending

V Max,

Annie Cooper's just started a game of definitions: let's pile in there and hope others take up the cudgel, I mean baton.

And the winner is ...

Post 2069

Pat Pending


It's a great start, but shall we try it on af, seeing as MC-H folk won't all get the 'ian goblins' bit and seeing as Brad got told off on af by Ruth and a Mod for being too serious?

And the winner is ...

Post 2070


My reply to griznak johnston has re-appeared: here it is ...

ian, your points are rubbish and myopic in the extreme and here is why:

1) Venezuela is now a left wing country and whilst it supplies a lot of oil to the US it will be far less "stable" from a US perspective in the future. OPEC also continues to set the overall oil price in a similar manner to the manner in which brands are set in other markets. For instance although Coca-Cola and Pepsi are bitter corporate enemies each determines the price of the other. Thus, it is the large Middle East states with the largest reserves that continue to determine the price per barrel. This may appear somewhat dichotomous at first glance with a clearly higher price now being charged per barrel as the US stands over Iraq threatening war however; it should be clearly noted that oil prices are key to oil investment returns on dismal equity markets thus a high price is maintaining at least some high profit areas for corporate investors and their billion dollar fortunes.

2) Iraq represents a clear and obvious target. The US, for all it's sabre rattling, is unlikely to start a war against benign South American states that have never shown any signs of a potential threat to the US. They prefer the more secretive approach these days of sponsoring military coups and even what might be described as South American terrorist groups. Russia would be another potential target but as we have seen with North Korea America is unwilling to risk attacking another power with substantial military capability. Russia is also still securing oil reserves in Chechnya. Iraq would therefore from a strategic point of view offer the most viable option having huge oil reserves, a deplorable despot in charge and virtually no remaining military capability. US forces are in position, know the area and have sympathetic puppet states offering assistance, locally.

Not sure if the 5Live uruk-hai would understand Pat and perhaps the R4 Hobbits might not appreciate? Let's keep it to ourselves for now? No point ruining all of Middle Earth is there? Bags I'm first at tossing Ruth Stonebeard, daughter of Groin!!

And the winner is ...

Post 2071

Pat Pending

I just knew you kept all your posts somewhere Bushy.

We should publish your story on The Great Debate, and then just feel the confusion.

And the winner is ...

Post 2072


LOL! I don't keep 'em, honestly guv'nor!

It just re-appeared as if by magic??? Perhaps Grymer-IamProudToBeADunce has had a hand in this devilment?

And the winner is ...

Post 2073

V Max

Well its disappeared again now. Weird.

And the winner is ...

Post 2074

Pat Pending

Bushy's living in an alternate reality; either that or it was never there, and he really DOES keep copies of all his posts.

And the winner is ...

Post 2075


Morning readerssmiley - smiley

Couple or three things.

1. I could explain the whole MC-H thing but to be honest I'm getting fed up with the whole thing. I feel like tell all the stupid prima-donnas to go (sexual expletive) themselves. IT'S ONLY A GAME, for Christ's sake. smiley - steam
Chelsea's problem was real and understandable because it seemed like a breach of her privacy, but all that guff since is just hysterical girlie playground stuff and I wipe my hands of it.

2. I'm first today (nyah nyah) smiley - biggrin

3. I'll be out most of the day (it's the funeral today and apparently involves a veeeery long [High Anglican] mass)

Work hard


And the winner is ...

Post 2076


Mornin' Peter and Orcs!

Here's my list for today seeing as tho' it appears to be the done thing ...

1) B*llocks, I don't know what to say now!! D'Oh!!

2) ...

3) Oh yes!! Chipper?

4) Pat, I DO NOT keep a catalogued list!! Oi.!!

5) MC-H appears to be another example of how so very seriously these systems are taken by some. Apologies to all if my witless comments upset, but I really don't mean to ... Most of the time! smiley - whistle

6) Mild, cloudy, approx. 9 celcius. Continuing. Rain later in week.

7) I'll get me list ..?

And the winner is ...

Post 2077

Pat Pending

Morning all.

Thanks for weather update Bushy: get that catalogue unwrapped.


I never thought I'd see you driven to such anger as in your para 1), but I entirely agree with you.

High Anglican eh? May choirs of angels attend thee etc etc bells & smells....

And the winner is ...

Post 2078


Yeah, sorry about the rant. The trouble is I like having serious discussions on 5Live News (despite not being a 5Live listener but - hey - news is news what ever channel it's on) and I like going to MC for jokes and laffs. When you can't tell the difference between the two of them something's wrong.

Also the listing of things I want to say. Bad habit, I know. I've done that for years. It helps me to stop rambling. smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers

And the winner is ...

Post 2079


Mornin all

I never fully got the point of MC-H

it always seemed to me dare I say a bit self indulgent and smug

And the winner is ...

Post 2080

Pat Pending

Nothing at all wrong with MCH when it's operating properly; just a bunch of people making silly puns. Self indulgent, possibly, but not usually smug (IMHO), and at least you don't get shouted down for trying to raise a laugh (cs 5L). And without it, we wouldn't have found the Lovegloves, and Chelsea wouldn't have found Bushy.

Talking of CG (he said, moving seamlessly on to a new question), anyone seen her around recently?

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