This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

And the winner is ...

Post 2081


and Kris?

And the winner is ...

Post 2082

V Max

Mornin' all,

I agree with Peter (except I am a 5Live listener).

Bloomin' baby, crying all night, 3 hours sleep, yadda yadda yadda

And the winner is ...

Post 2083


You get it off your chest Peter!! Best out than in?

And the winner is ...

Post 2084


V MAx wait till their 7 years old and you have to spend 2 hours playing Barbie dolls

my action man is pissed let me tell you attending tea parties

And the winner is ...

Post 2085


Talking of serious subjects;

That was funny yesterday, Bushy, when I tried to start a theological discussion with you but it never got off the ground because I agreed with you too much! smiley - biggrin

And the winner is ...

Post 2086


true Pete I 've always found Pat and Bushy far too reasonable

thats why God inveted ian and Ruth for us to get our bile out

And the winner is ...

Post 2087

Pat Pending


How's this for reasonable: you're a smiley - tit.

smiley - whistle.

God, I love that tit smiley!

And the winner is ...

Post 2088


Hmmm... You didn't really agree with me at all Peter, which is fair enough incidentally, but I think the basis for your comment was because I erroneously had given the impression that I might surpress people's right to religion. I missed a "not" or something I think?

I am against religion on the grounds that it impedes education, especially scientific education and moreover; the key tenet of scientific enquiry, scepticism. This applies to ALL religions, not just Christianity! The Church (or Mosque/Synagogue) has a role but not in determining political agendas!

And the winner is ...

Post 2089


Interesting as well that wriggler johnston has not replied to my message about oil? Wonder if he is busily beavering away researching one of his lengthy tomes on wriggling off the hook again!

I might just reply with "T**T!" if he does and get meself banned again!

(S'cuse my French for those with "delicate lexicons")

And the winner is ...

Post 2090


nice bit of Hughie slapping Bushy

And the winner is ...

Post 2091

Pat Pending

I think that's probably Hughie done for isn't it?

Anyone else able to listen to Fi Glover at work? I'm in my element here.

And the winner is ...

Post 2092


Seems like it is ok for Hughie et al to ask questions but not anyone else! He asks why something happens, I tell him then refuses to engage anymore ...

Are we moving toward living in a police state in this country or what?

And the winner is ...

Post 2093


Pat, is she just as crap as when she was on nights? Mrs Whack'd was moaning yesterday because Nicky campbell is longer doing the morning phone-in/debate slot! I think she might be edging toward R4 ... Best get her some boxing gloves/knuckle-dusters etc. then eh?

smiley - whistle

And the winner is ...Fi Glover

Post 2094

Pat Pending

Well Mrs pen is delighted she's not on late night live anymore: it means I listen to what she's saying in bed instead.

I caught the first 10 mins of Breakfast yesterday: all the regulars (ie sports, travel, financial reporters etc) were asking VD where she'd been, how her holiday was, how good it was to have her back etc. NC seemed well put out that no one was welcoming him, which amused me immensely. Anyone catch the handover? Was there a frisson between VD and FG?

Eddie Crane's started a quasi-political thread about 'Mecca Cola' on af: how long before we get told to take it to FLN?

And the winner is ...Fi Glover

Post 2095

Pat Pending

Sorry: should have looked back at the thread to see that MOPP was already on the case. LOL!

Gentlemen ...

Post 2096


... start your alternative logins 'cos we are going to booted any moment now I feel?

Gentlemen ...

Post 2097


I've been busted already ... No messages appearing and several already deleted! Looks like I'm a marked Bushwhack'd(2)???

I'll get me other logins then shall I?

Gentlemen ...

Post 2098

Commander Band

Gor Blimey Guvnor! how do you live with the mods on 5liver, bucolic lot aren't they? or has Mrs. Whitehouse come back from the dead?

Gentlemen ...

Post 2099


Who are you?

Hurrah! Eddie Crane finally gave me the set-up line for rap across johnstons knuckles again ... tee hee!

Gentlemen ...

Post 2100

V Max

203075 is Peter Sturgess from MC-H, as far as I can tell.

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