This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Back from my sick bed...

Post 2161

V Max

Mornin' Doc,

We celebrated my 100th post with a bit of a sing-song, but some grumpy M-Fs didn't appreciate it. Oh well.

Back from my sick bed...

Post 2162

Pat Pending


Who? Me?

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2163

V Max

Maybe we should all pile in and complain about EVERYTHING which hasn't been in the news.

Or is that descending to their level of numptiness?

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2164

Pat Pending

Same thought had occurred to me. Have you seen Ali W and Eddie C have given our antics yesterday the nod of approval (on the Mecca Cola thread): which is nice.

Young Sturdgess has given us an 'in' if we want it: it would probably be rude not to......

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2165

V Max

I don't know if any of you are listening to Fi's phone-in this morning (Its about pornography), but I'm killing myself laughing imagining Johnston listening in, working himself into a moral outrage while stamping parking tickets at Morrisons.

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2166

Pat Pending

I'm listening V Max. First, it was great to hear Ben Dover referred to as 'Mr Dover', second, hearing Fi talk about porn is just about finishing me off, third, I've now got the ij vision locked in: so thanks for that.

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2167

V Max

I see doug nazi is back. Quoting Spanish now. I wonder how many people run "doug", I'm guessing 3+.

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2168


Mornin All

and you Doc

still no sign of Pooter then?

lets keep our tuxedos for a up coming on topic music night ending in a cross board congo...what say you?

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2169


Cross-board Congo???


ian johsnton will be hanging on the phone as we speak whilst hoping his Mum doesn't discover his secret stash of Bunty and Girls World!! Thos articles on faulty bras and "girls things" are just irresistable to little feller!!

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2170

Pat Pending


FLN>'99 Red Ballooons' thread: does Cole have anything to say on the subject?

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2171

Dr. Strangegloves

//cross-board congo//

Shurely "conga"?

I'll get me Black Lace album.

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2172


PEDANT! Sod off back to your sick bed!

Now then, opinions please Gentlemen (and Ladies if you're there?). After sniggering away at the peter sturdgess effort re. "light news" I wonder if it worse taking it further? Here is what I had in mind!

Not sure about your yacht Peter but apparently the woman down the road from me noticed last night that her landing light bulb had gone out. This is extremely news worthy as she only replaced it 2 weeks ago (or was it 3?) when in previous months/years the landing light bulb has lasted an average of 6 weeks! (or is it 5?) It should be noted also, that correlating the electricity bill with light usage has not been fully completed however; on initial enquires it would appear that no significant increase in electrical consumption has occurred. Wattage has remained constant in the standard bayonet socket and even brand and place of purchase have remained constant. Does anyone have any further opinions on this mysterious event? What could be causing this light related problem? Would it be worth contacting consumer protection organisations and/or the manufacturer? Could there be (and I realise this is slightly off-topic) a serious electrical wiring related issue? (Where is the electrical wiring news message board by the way?) No doubt there will be many replies to such a serious matter but please keep your posts brief, to the point and maintain the overall decorum! Thanks!

Remember Gentlemen, banality has to worked for it doesn't come easily!!

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2173


...Before Doc points it out! Should "if it is worth..." "not if it worse ..."


Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2174

V Max

Very good. I would add a reference to contacting "Watchdog" re: diminishing life-cycle of modern lightbulbs.

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2175


Morning chaps (and any chapesses who may be out there) smiley - rainbow

Watch out! I'm going to make up for yesterday with a blitz on every board I find! smiley - biggrin

I've already told doug off for breaking the rules and posting in a johnny foreigner lingo and I added an interesting smiley - tit -bit to red balloons.

If you'd care to step over to MC-H you'll see that I've started four new threads based around my new tenure as landlord of the cyberpub. Drinks are on me! smiley - tongueout

smiley - cheers


Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2176


Excellent idea V Max!

Anyone got anymore very long very boring "light news" items for our eunuch friends over on "af"? I was wondering if a balloon story might creep in somewhere?

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2177


Peter hits a homer outta the park, and gets in first with the balloon story first I see! Clever devil you!

See, Light News isn't just for airheads!

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2178


everyone pile on to the 99 red balloons thread!

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2179

Dr. Strangegloves

I have actually got a true story. Will post in in a few minutes.

Revenge of the Pirates?

Post 2180


Threads deleted AGAIN!!

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