This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

Turn the Radio On

Post 1


Hey guys, I'm going to be on BBC Radio 5 tonight talking about the upcoming election. They're going to call me around 8:45 pm CST which will be 2:45 am in the UK. I think the program is called Up All Night. I don't know if I'll have a chance to plug h2g2 or not. I'll try not to say anything really stupid and thus embarrass all of us.

Turn the Radio On

Post 2

Santragenius V

smiley - ok 2.45am UK? 3.45am here? smiley - cdouble I think not... smiley - winkeye Just tell 'em!

Turn the Radio On

Post 3

Witty Moniker

Hopefully they will put it on that 'Listen Again' feature they have.

Turn the Radio On

Post 4


Ditto that. *Laugh*

Though, then again, chances are I end up staying up that late anyway because of my blocked up sinuses. XD;

Best of luck, Hypatia-Sama. Have fun. smiley - smiley Be awesome.

Turn the Radio On

Post 5

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

Wooohooo Go for it prezz, and don't forget to plug your new book too smiley - biggrinsmiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye

Turn the Radio On

Post 6


smiley - cool
You can listen already - but I haven't found it yet

Here's the schedule :
01:45 Latest films with Rich Cline| Listen
02:15 Medical news with Dr Art Hister | Listen
02:30 Phone Ins on Gardening, Cookery, Politics and Sex (not all at the same time!) | Listen
04:30 Kenya Desk with Michael Kaloki | Listen
04:45 Nigeria news with Sam Olukoya | Listen

A phone-in on all that stuff. Yeah, certainly sounds like Hypsmiley - winkeye
Shame she didn't offer to talk about libraries and make it the whole set...

Turn the Radio On

Post 7


But libraries are boring, Pin. smiley - laugh I did find two teens making out in the stacks this week, so I could work it into the sex angle.

I'm going to be on with a woman from New York, by the way.

Turn the Radio On

Post 8


smiley - bluelightsmiley - bluelight RETRACTION smiley - bluelightsmiley - bluelight

I just got off the phone with the BBC. The interview has been moved to tomorrow night during the same hour. I was told there was another story they had to work in tonight.

smiley - bluelightsmiley - bluelight RETRACTION smiley - bluelightsmiley - bluelight

Turn the Radio On

Post 9

Lady Chattingly

OK. So how do I find this interview? Will it be available in Doo Dah?
I feel the need to listen to what you have to say. Eyewitness News called me last night, but I didn't answer the phone. smiley - biggrin

Turn the Radio On

Post 10

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

How did you swing that, Hyp? You must have a good agent smiley - tongueout

I used to love listening to Up All Night when I was out delivering magazines, especially on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday when Rhod Sharp was presenting. I even used to stream it when I came over here, where it starts at 7pm instead of 1am. I know that Rhod left the programme for a while... I wonder if he's back?

They used to do the Listen Again for Up All Night by hours, I think. I'll probably still be at work tomorrow if you're going to be on at the same time.

You're not the first h2g2 Researcher to be interviewed on UAN btw - Ormondroyd was on a couple of years ago talking about everyone's right to be grumpy if they want to smiley - tongueout

Turn the Radio On

Post 11

Researcher 198131

Will we be able to pod-cast it later?

smiley - elf

Turn the Radio On

Post 12


I would hope so.

About the election...hmmm....smiley - eureka Jokes!

How can you tell if a politician is lying? Its lips are moving.

Turn the Radio On

Post 13


*Hopes someone sends a link to listen to*

Turn the Radio On

Post 14


See, it's jokes like that that only ENCOURAGE the growing trend of voter apathy. =\ Even here in the UK, voting is at a low point.

Folks, you may have the right to vote. But you also have the responsibility to USE it. Because otherwise, what right do you have to complain when things go wrong in your country or if your leaders make bad decisions..?

Turn the Radio On

Post 15

LL Waz

smiley - biggrin

I must get the speakers working on this pc.

Turn the Radio On

Post 16


Use the link that Pin provided above. On the top right is a little orange box that says Listen Live. Click on that box. You'll get a split screen. On the right about half-way down you'll have the option of selecting whether to use Real or Windows Media Player. Whenever I try to use my Real Player, it keeps timing out on me, so I must not have the right version of it. But the Windows Media Player works just fine.

So, apparently the reason I was canceled last night is because the man who phoned me, Chris Vallance, set it up for the time of the live football call-in show they have every Saturday morning. The woman who called me back last night just said it would be tonight instead during the same hour, which I gathered to mean between 2 and 3 am UK time which is between 8 and 9 pm CST.

But the lady from New York I was supposed to be on with was already on last night with some young man from Iowa. I don't know if she will be back tonight or if I'll be paired with someone else. I was a bit relieved that the tone was friendly and not confrontational like so many American talk shows. I know Chris, we're on first name terms now smiley - winkeye, couldn't have been more pleasant when I spoke to him.

If I hear anything else between now and then, I'll post it here.

Turn the Radio On

Post 17


Gosho, the way this happened is that I volunteered for what I thought was going to be an election night program where you discuss the results once they start coming in. It doesn't have anything to do with h2g2. Santra found it and posted the link in a conversation I am in.

Anyway, I sent an e-mail to the address provided and offered to participate. I didn't think they would be interested since I don't work in the media and I live in a place none of them would have ever heard of. Let's face it. When people in the UK think of the US, they don't immediately start talking about Southwest Missouri.

Surprisingly, they were interested. Which shows wonderful taste on their part, don't you think? smiley - tongueout Seriously, Missouri is an important place in this election because of the Talent/McCaskill race. So much so that the President came here yesterday to stump for Talent. We also have some interesting amendments on the ballot that are creating a lot of controversy inside the state - stem cell research, raising the minimum wage and adding a whopping tobacco tax. And I am in a position to report on the Kansas and Oklahoma races as well. smiley - smiley

But, Chris didn't mention election night at all, so that may be already covered by someone else in this area.

Turn the Radio On

Post 18


I got my ears on, Hyp.

Acetegan, a sense of humour is a survival tool in the Neocon Corporation of Amerika.

"We live in a land of abounding quackeries, and if we do not learn how to laugh we succumb to the melancholy disease which afflicts the race of viewers-with-alarm..." -- HL Mencken, 1930ish

Rest assured, the whole family votes, and we take it seriously.

Turn the Radio On

Post 19

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

Testing, testing, one , two, three......
The mike is working Hyp, you do know you have to wear a dinner jacket don't you? After all, this is the BBC!

Turn the Radio On

Post 20

LL Waz

And it has to be Received Pronounciation too.

Don't forget that.

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