This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

Turn the Radio On

Post 101



She has her 35,000 vote lead with 88% of the vote counted so I'm going to bed. I have to work in the morning.

Turn the Radio On

Post 102

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

smiley - applausesmiley - bluelightsmiley - applausesmiley - bluelightsmiley - applausesmiley - bluelight

Well done Hypatia.

I heard your interview.

How did I know that it was you?

Because I had read on this thread that you had phoned in to the powers that be, that you had said that there were other topics to discuss such as stem cell research and the tobacco tax!!.

I hope that you are sleeping peacefully in the land of Nod ,having done your bit and got your new Governor in. And you also have a female Speaker of the House. Wonderful !!

Thank you for bringing us into the battle for hearts and minds in the USA. I am so sorry that I was off line for some of it. But thrilled that I was able to be in at the finish.

Again Felicitations.

Very sincerely,

Christiane M. Elias.
aka AlsoRan1smiley - schooloffish

Turn the Radio On

Post 103


I know too little about how USian elections and politics function. smiley - erm

I've heard the Tuesday bit with Hyp, now, and I really like your voice. Very clear and distinct on radio.

And the content was very good and to the point. I would have liked to have heard much more and asked a few questions myself. (Says the nosey journalist smiley - winkeye)

Well done, Hyp smiley - applause - and a very good idea from the BBC.

Turn the Radio On

Post 104


Good morning and well done, Hyp! And what a good morning it is for America and the world! The third section down in this BBC story should make particularly happy breakfast reading: .
smiley - coffeesmiley - biggrin

Turn the Radio On

Post 105


Thanks everyone. smiley - blush So, my question for radio commentators everywhere is how on earth do you keep talking and talking and talking without losing your voice?

In retrospect I feel good because what I told people the first night turned out to be spot on the mark. The stem cell amendment helped Talent in the 7th District and McCaskill statewide. I feel bad because the returns had barely started coming in last night, so the percentages I reported were very preliminary and might have confused people outside of the state who don't understand how elections work here. The rural areas come in first and always give Republicans the lead. Then hours later the urban areas come in and the lead often changes.

Turn the Radio On

Post 106

Wilma Neanderthal

Excellent stuff, Hypatia!

May I raise my hat and a toast to 'murkins all over? smiley - cheers Glad to see Arnie got his 'sequel', we now have a woman running the 'show', a muslim right in the thick of things, and Chafee out: "the rage against our president proved insurmountable"... smiley - ok

I was especially pleased with OH and PA but still cannot work out what Liebermann has done. Did he get the Republicans to back him then walk in as a Democrat supporter?? smiley - huh Sneaky smiley - bigeyes

smiley - bubbly

Turn the Radio On

Post 107

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

Yep, well done you American peeps!
....the world feels just a little safer today, any chance of you lot sorting out Tony Bliar too?

Turn the Radio On

Post 108

Witty Moniker

You know, this is the second time today I saw Tony Blair's name mispelled. Then I realized that it is not a mistake - it's intentional! smiley - rofl

Turn the Radio On

Post 109

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

Yep sure is, Tony Blair The Liar, Tony Bliar!
Or Bush's Poodle as he is known!

Turn the Radio On

Post 110


All of Bush's critters are looking a bit mangy this morning.

Turn the Radio On

Post 111

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

The BBC news front page is reporting that the Democrats have taken a Senate race in Montana, giving them 50 seats smiley - biggrin

Turn the Radio On

Post 112

Emee, out from under the rock

So has it been confirmed the Reps took VA? Or are they going to do a recount? If it's split 50/50, the Rep whip is going to work overtime to make sure the Reps all vote that way and then any ties will be decided by Dick Cheney. smiley - sadface

Turn the Radio On

Post 113

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

There are two independents in the Senate, one of whom is Joe Lieberman (I don't know who the other one is) - a former Democrat, although you might not know it sometimes. If he votes with the Democrats that'll give them 51 votes if all the Democrats vote the party line, even without Virginia.

Turn the Radio On

Post 114


I think Virginia is still considered too close to call.

Turn the Radio On

Post 115


I believe they are including the two Independents in the Democratic column since both of them will cacus with the Democrats.

Turn the Radio On

Post 116

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Dang it, I keep reading the red column as the Democrats cos red = left wing in the UK and blue = right wing smiley - flustered

Rummy's gone smiley - biggrin

Turn the Radio On

Post 117


The other Independent is Sanders in Vermont. He is the Socialist.

Turn the Radio On

Post 118


I know! I just heard! Good ridance.

My Backwards Bush keychain is now at 803 days, 9 hours & 51 minutes. smiley - biggrin

Turn the Radio On

Post 119

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

So, 48 Democrats, two independents and VA still to come.

Turn the Radio On

Post 120


Rumbo go bye-bye!!! Woohoooo!

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