This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

Turn the Radio On

Post 81


We may not have any results for me to report until tomorrow. The polls have officially closed, but many precincts still have long lines of people waiting to vote.

Turn the Radio On

Post 82

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Finally caught your interview from last night smiley - biggrin Now listening live to Rhod and the results.

Turn the Radio On

Post 83

Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense

I heard you this afternoon...You sounded great...And I found the other interviews very interesting....I will continue to tune in...... .. .. smiley - bubbly ... .. .

Turn the Radio On

Post 84


smiley - blush

Folks, I probably won't be on tonight. The race in Missouri won't be decided before the program goes off the air. In my county we ran out of ballots! There are at least 5 other counties that did the same. So, voting still hasn't ended and the "emergency" ballots will have to be hand counted. In some places that won't begin until morning.

Turn the Radio On

Post 85


Famous last words. I was on after all. With my mouth so dry from antihistimines that I felt like I had a mouth full of cotton. All I could do was tell them where we are right now. It will be hours before the results are final here - maybe tomorrow.

Turn the Radio On

Post 86

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Oh damn and blast - I dozed off on the sofa. Woke up just in time to hear Mr Burns and Ned-diddley-Ed smiley - cdouble

Turn the Radio On

Post 87


You aren't the first man my conversation has put to sleep, Gosho. smiley - laugh

Turn the Radio On

Post 88

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Oh, I fell asleep long before you came on, Hyp smiley - hug

Here's something interesting - the current standings in the Texas gubernatorial race:

Chris Bell Dem 48,624 47%
Rick Perry Rep 28,396 27%
Carole Strayhorn Ind 14,011 13%
Kinky Friedman Ind 12,170 12%
James Werner Lib 1,126 1%

25 of 219 precincts reporting (11%)

I suspect that it's mostly urban precincts who have sent returns in so far, and those are more likely to be democrat. Once the rural figures start to roll in I figure Perry's numbers will increase, but at the moment that's quite a percentage for Chris Bell and it'll be something of a shock if Perry gets thrown out of the Governor's mansion.

We can but hope smiley - tongueout

Turn the Radio On

Post 89


I wish I was as hopeful about the senatorial race here. Talent is staying at 53%.

Turn the Radio On

Post 90

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Oh, I think that was just Travis County. Rick Perry's been re-elected smiley - sadface

Turn the Radio On

Post 91

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

According to this page though the Democrats have taken the House smiley - biggrin

Turn the Radio On

Post 92


Yes, that's good news. smiley - biggrin But both houses would be better.

Turn the Radio On

Post 93


I just heard that Saint Louie and KC's tallies came in, switching the lead...!

According to the commentators, they're still waiting for SOUTHWESTERN MISSOURI's ballots to come in.

Well, we have the charismatic Austrian in charge in Ka-lee-forrn-yah for the next four...

Turn the Radio On

Post 94


My county hasn't reported in at all yet. It will be morning before they even begin with the hand count. We're the ones who ran out of ballots. smiley - cross Talent will probably get 65% of the vote here. So, McCaskill needs to open it up more than she already has in order to be safe.

Turn the Radio On

Post 95


How could they run out of ballots? Was there an unexpected influx of voters?

smiley - tongueincheek

Turn the Radio On

Post 96


Yep. Our county clerk, bless his little Republican heart, planned for a 25% voter turnout and got a 50% turnout. So they had to photocopy ballots. But the photocopies won't register in the optical scanners. They have to be hand counted. And they're too tired to count them today, naturally. There were 5 or 6 other counties that ran out of ballots, also.

Turn the Radio On

Post 97


McCaskill is polling 64% in Jackson Copunty and 79% in the City of St. Louis. Also she is polling 54% in St. Louis Copunty and 45% of the vote there is still out. So, this thing isn't over.

Turn the Radio On

Post 98


My thought is, the unexpected voter surge may be an unpleasant surprise for the repubs.

Turn the Radio On

Post 99


McCaskill is going to speak soon, according to CNN. I'd feel better if she had a lead of 35-40 thousand instead of 15 thousand.

Turn the Radio On

Post 100


Clay County is still out, too.

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