Journal Entries

Summer's here,

and so was Bea.smiley - boing

A visitor today at my Saturday morning job. Little Bea followed by a huge volcanic dust cloud (well I didn't actually see it but I just know it was there), stopped by on her way North.

It was very nice to see her in the flesh and we'll be meeting again in a couple of weeks ..... and when I introduced her to RM he had the cheek to say 'You have a friend'? smiley - rofl

Summer, blues skies, sunshine, smiley faces, friends.smiley - boingsmiley - somersaultsmiley - somersault

smiley - mouse

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Latest reply: May 22, 2010


On visiting here today I was asked to complete the survey - not just any old survey this time mind but ................


Didn't know there was one but how exciting a whole survey asking what I thought about hootoo ...... I told them.smiley - blush

smiley - mouse

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Latest reply: May 6, 2010

Dumbest Moments

It was almost 14 years ago and I can remember it like it was yesterday.

It was cold and dark and there was a comet in the sky (this is where the I remember it like it was yesterday goes wrong) but I can't remember if it was the one with the tail or the one like the thumb print.smiley - rolleyes

Anyway, it was a lovely clear dark night and my daughter was a babe in arms wrapped with swaddling clothes. She was in her daddy's arms and we were at the back of my house with a couple of neighbours waiting for the lunar eclipse to begin.

It was just after 11.00pm I think and I went to the telescope to set it up to view the moon.smiley - moon

At first, big and bright as it was I couldn't find the moon, then I couldn't get it to stay in focus.smiley - cdouble

My other half then muttered the immortal words ..... maybe you're too close ..... at which point I lifted telescope and took about 10 steps backwards.smiley - rofl

It was only the laughter of the assembly that made me realise I'd taken 10 steps to move further away from the moon.smiley - doh

I think that this may well have been my dumbest moment .... but I could be wrong. What's your dumbest moment?

smiley - mouse

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Latest reply: Apr 24, 2010


I had a lovely day today.smiley - zen

I went to my sister's house and the French connection were there - her son, daughter-in-law and their 6 children (17, 15, 12, 11, 5, 2yo)- the eldest's girlfriend, her other 2 grandchildren (10 and 3 yo) and my Sazzle (14yo). Needless to say it was noisey ... but it was great fun, we hadn't all been together since October.smiley - headhurts

It was great.smiley - biggrin

smiley - mouse

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Latest reply: Apr 10, 2010

The Black Pig

No, this isn't a journal entry about Captain Pugwash.smiley - rolleyes

Over the years we've had many uninvited visitors to our village. Many chickens smiley - chick, foxes, goats and bulls but this week a very surprising visitor has come to call, a black pig.smiley - flyingpig

This little piggy (or not so little by all accounts) was once someone's pet and has been abandoned in the forest at my front door. It is black and bigger than my dog Fizz (that's about labrador size) and has been spotted by a few of the neighbours .... unfortunately, I've yet to set eyes on it.smiley - sadface

One of the neighbours informed the police (I don't know why either) who thought it was a joke - then realised it might be a danger to traffic smiley - doh but I don't know what they've done about it .... smiley - sigh

Bea blames 2legs ..... I don't know who to blame - what sort of a prat abandons a domestic pet in the forest to fend for itself.smiley - grr

smiley - mouse

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Latest reply: Apr 8, 2010

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